What was not touched on was his time as a prisoner of The Spire on Stygeon Prime or how he escaped. Together they fought Maul and Bridger. [69] Prior to Maul's selection, the first draft of the film's script had Dryden Vos as Crimson Dawn's second-in-command with a Hume Cronyn–esque genial but ruthless character known as The Kazier. Then, the cloth was hair-braided together while Nightsisters recited a spell of protection. Completed. Maul offered to help Ezra claim the holocron, revealing it was located inside the temple. "[23] The most powerful of the Nightsisters could use that ichor to create objects out of thin air,[12] transform people into ghostly versions of their true forms,[6] or even reanimate the dead. When Opress had his arm cut off, Maul used the Force to push Kenobi down the tunnel, causing a cave-in before ordering a retreat. Two troopers then showed up and aimed their guns at him, but he effortlessly lifted them into the air and choked them. He was impatient with his master's planning, resenting the pain and suffering he felt as he waited for his time to unleash himself on the galaxy that had hurt him so much. Maul then asked Ahsoka to join him, suggesting that together they could defeat Sidious. Species While Opress rejected this as a weakness, Maul stated that his plans would be better served by them and, once they had reclaimed Mandalore, they would use its resources to further their own plans, with the Death Watch under their command. [3], Even so, by the time of the Clone Wars, Maul's Force powers were still outclassed by those of Sidious, as the Dark Lord telekinetically pinned both him and Opress to a wall with no visible effort. [8] However, he regained enough of his discipline to keep his brother Opress in line. Lucas also liked a concept based on production photographer Greg Gawlowski. Bridger spoke with the Nightsister that possessed Kanan. Exhausted from his search and contemplating the thought of dying in the desert, he collapsed into the sand and started screaming Kenobi's name in desperation. Dathomir[1] Unsubscribe. Maul held his own better than Opress, but was ultimately outclassed by the more experienced and skilled Dark Lord of the Sith and disarmed. Talzin fought Sidious while Maul fought the cyborg general, and Sidious quickly gained the advantage over the Dathomir witch. Maul warned him that if he caused any more delays, he would allow Crimson Dawn to take over the Pyke Syndicate. Satisfied, Vizsla asked him his intentions, and Maul revealed his plans to seek power and influence to gain his revenge over the Jedi. Sidious warned Maul to avoid the Jedi until his plans were ready to unfold. With Kanan's reluctant approval, Ezra complied with Maul's ultimatum and departed with Maul on the Nightbrother. Maul and his bounty hunters then confronted Jee Kra and his crew at their ship. [32], Dooku returned to Maul after conferring with Sidious, with orders from the Dark Lord to learn more about the Shadow Collective and the names of Maul's associates. Barr had gathered information on both Maul as well as several other subjects, hoping to better understand how the Jedi met their downfall so quickly at the hands of the Sith. After defeating the bounty hunters and the guards, they met Oruba the Hutt, who was captured by Bo-Katan and her forces. 2 BBY,[2] Tatooine[3] Maul was about to kill them when Gritz captured Maul with an electronet. All items shipped … This exciting Star Wars Rebels Seventh Sister Inquisitor vs. Darth Maul battle pack in-cludes 2 figures, 4 accessories, and a dual projectile launcher for awesome battle simu-lation! Maul did not know if they found him unworthy or simply ignored him, and their neglect fueled his rage, counting the days until he could have his revenge. [54], Maul was remembered long after the Clone Wars, and was mentioned by a member of the Whills as someone to be remembered in galactic history. [40][38] Vader and the Jedi-hunting Inquisitorius were set loose to eradicate the Order that Maul had once wished to topple. However, Bridger was able to destroy the source of the Nightsisters' powers, the altar, and the spirits disappeared. Parts of this article have been identified as no longer being up to date. Enraged, Ahsoka nearly killed him with a swipe from her lightsabers, but he retaliated by pushing her into a pit, though she was saved by the astromech droid RG-G1. [9], Since their power was at its most potent on their home planet, the Nightsisters rarely ventured off-world during the height of the Galactic Republic. The Nightsister spirits attacked and possessed Kanan Jarrus and Sabine Wren. Grievous begrudgingly disabled the signal and was taken into custody. [11], Months later in 2 BBY, Maul resurfaced and continued to pursue the rebels. Before the clones could shoot the renegade Sith Lord, Ahsoka knocked them out and subsequently freed Maul from his restraints. In the film, Maul serves as the first apprentice of Sheev Palpatine, … Despite his promise to Bridger that he would not harm his friends, Maul secretly made an attempt on Jarrus's life and ordered his droids to execute the other Spectres in an attempt to claim Bridger as his apprentice. Lucasfilm has not yet established a cohesive timeline. Beliefs [56] He became an acrobatic and highly trained Sith warrior, one who could relentlessly pursue his enemies while utilizing his double-bladed lightsaber. Once, however, he was the Sith apprentice of Darth Sidious, and therefore, a Dark Lord of the Sith. However, Bridger's attachment and loyalty to his friends angered Maul, who chastised his desired apprentice as a "disappointment" for refusing to break the chains of the past. [34], Once on Dathomir, Maul was greeted by Brother Viscus, who survived his fight with Dooku on Ord Mantell. Darth Vader, likely from the word of mouth of his master Darth Sidious, knew Maul was alive and in hiding. Sidious, who was secretly Senator Palpatine of Naboo, conspired with the Trade Federation to invade his planet as retaliation for the taxation of trade routes in outlying Republic star systems. The Battle of Dathomir resulted in the decimation of the Nightsisters clan. Please reach out with any questions prior to purchase we are here to help you with your decision . Sister of Darth Maul - Star Wars [HDR] Subscribe. However, Ezra refused to abandon his friends. [53], By 34 ABY, a bust of Maul could be found at Dok-Ondar's Den of Antiquities, one of the many shops in Black Spire Outpost on Batuu. [13] Later in his life, Maul claimed that he once had a real name but that he had long since forgotten it. Waking after the surgery was completed, Maul was groggy and only tried to react when he saw the still-unconscious Opress next to him, as the droids fitted the wounded brother with a mechanical arm. Because of this, Hondo believed that Maul and Opress were incinerated in the crash, though Kenobi suspected otherwise. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It was key in the Battle of Atollon, in which Ezra and Sabine used it to transport members of Clan Wren to take down an Imperial Interdictor and allow the Rebels to escape Grand Admiral Thrawn's blockade. Maul fights Grievous, while Talzin in Dooku's body fights Sidious. The rest of the rebels promptly rushed into the cargo hold and started firing at him; however, Maul deflected one of the bolts into the control interface, deactivating the magnets. Male[1] He became obsessed with revenge,[6] fueled and kept alive only by his hatred for Kenobi,[7] despite losing his mind and many memories. Maul had somehow learned of the Inquisitors' master, Darth Vader, and knew that they would inform him of the confrontation. His master knew he had killed the young Padawan, but he pleased his master by telling him that his lust for Jedi was not satisfied. Darth Maul and the Rathtars, Queen's Peril, Dark Vengeance, Kenobi's Shadow, The Clone Wars: Season Seven, Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition, Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition, The Star Wars Book, Lightsabers and Jedi Equipment–class. Ezra and Chopper traveled into the desert but the two collapsed due to a sandstorm. He then returned to Lord Sidious on Coruscant. Kenobi refused, and told Maul he had been to the Sith Lord's village on Dathomir; Kenobi expressed his belief that it had not been Maul's decision to join the dark side, but rather the Nightsisters forced it upon him. During his training, Sidious took Maul to Malachor to bear witness to a great battle that occurred there between the Jedi and the Sith. [9] The Solo script only specified a "Boss" character; director Ron Howard chose Maul from a list of possible candidates. He became an acrobatic warrior, one trained to be relentless against his enemies, and learned to use a dual-bladed lightsaber, eventually crafting his own,[15] using pieces that he had stolen or otherwise acquired, noting the amount of pain and blood that had gone into the construction of his weapon. Talzin herself appeared using Nightsister magic and told the story of how she was once an ally of Sidious, how she too was betrayed when Sidious took Maul from her, and how Sidious was already seeking to replace the Count. After betraying the Jedi group and blinding Kanan, he also briefly dueled Ahsoka Tano. Along the way, Maul and Ezra engaged the Seventh Sister, with Maul easily subduing her in a Force choke. Maul revealed that they were Sith Lords, which immediately led Vizsla to question him as to his links to Count Dooku. While Maul greeted his fellow Nightbrothers, the Separatists arrived in orbit and attacked, using their fleet to bombard the surface of Ord Mantell. Exasperated by the sympathy and compassion of the young man towards his friends, Maul told Ezra that he had disappointed him before leaving to find his old enemy, Obi-Wan Kenobi.[46]. [10], Maul and Opress managed to escape Florrum, although they eventually passed out from lack of oxygen in their escape pod. He decided to lure the Jedi into the series of corridors and catwalks leading to and within the power generation facilities not far from the hangar, and he practiced swinging his lightsaber and moving around to get used to his surroundings.[16]. Maul was born to Mother Talzin and raised as a Nightbrother on Dathomir, before being taken away by Sith Lord Darth Sidious as an apprentice. Ezra and Chopper left, with Maul bidding farewell to his "apprentice." Sects The Pykes hired Rafa Martez to deliver the spice, but after a heavy ethics debate between Martez and the former Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Martez's sister, Trace, dumped the spice into hyperspace. Darth Maul and the Seventh Sister are suppose to be coming out in a two pack. Over the years, Maul remained elusive enough to the Imperial hunters that they began to refer to him as "The Shadow. Collect and do battle with this Star Wars Rebels Seventh Sister Inquisitor vs. Darth Maul figure 2-pack and other figures and vehicles from Star Wars: The Force Awakens! The Nightsister told Bridger that Maul promised flesh and blood to rebuild the Nightsister clan. Ahsoka saw him and gave chase, but Maul attacked her with the Force and said that he was only causing chaos as she wanted. VADER SPEAKING! [48], Sidious considered Darth Maul to be a loss, whereas Count Dooku was labeled as both a proton torpedo and a mere placeholder. After stealing the valuables on the space station, the brothers traveled to Florrum, where they bribed a squad of pirates into joining them. The two Sith brothers broke out of their cells and sought to find a new ally, choosing former Prime Minister Almec as a puppet; Almec had been imprisoned by the Duchess on corruption charges. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. They left the planet and Maul killed Gritz. Please update the article to reflect recent events, and remove this template when finished. Sidious was amused by Maul's grief and reminded Maul that there could only be two Sith and that he had been replaced. Gritz and Spikewheel, while listening to the message from the person that hired them, realized that the message was from Maul himself. With most of his forces in ruins, Maul ordered his warriors to retreat. When a group of clones attempted to seal themselves off from him, he used the Force to pull one of the troopers' arms through the closing blast door, severing it[38] and providing Maul with an active wrist comm connection to the clones' radio chatter. Maul sensed these events while in his captivity, before a pair of clones arrived to execute him, having received a different order from Sidious, who wanted to be rid of his former apprentice once and for all. Maul pleaded for mercy, but Sidious riposted that in the Sith, there was no mercy and began to sadistically torture him with blasts of Force Lightning. In addition to the Mandalorians, Maul expanded his criminal enterprise, the Shadow Collective, to include the Pyke Syndicate, Black Sun, and the Hutt Clan. [46], Maul then offered to show Ezra how to destroy the Sith. As Dooku predicted, Maul contacted Mother Talzin after leaving Zanbar, calling out to her through the Force for guidance. As such, he predicted that Kenobi would mount his rescue alone. [33], Maul arrived on Ord Mantell and conferred with his Shadow Collective allies, including Ziton Moj of Black Sun and Fife of the Pyke Syndicate. [16], Darth Maul hunting rathtars on Twon Ketee, Several years into his training as Sidious's apprentice, Darth Maul began to become impatient. [5], Nevertheless, the Sith Lord attacked Qui-Gon Jinn, and the two engaged in lightsaber combat. Maul warned Krim of further delays, informing him that every piece of his plan was important and if one part of it faltered, the entire plan could be jeopardized. She also denigrated the Sith as being no better than the Jedi. Just then, Maul noticed something hiding in the pipework surrounding where the meeting was taking place and turned to try to see what it was. It was an imaginary by me. [3], After Ezra awoke, Kenobi told the boy that Maul had manipulated Ezra into leading the former Sith Lord to Kenobi. Unknown to them, Kanan and Sabine had placed a tracker on Ezra's wrist comm and followed them there. [10], Maul's power made him crave dominance over the Sith and the galaxy, though he did not believe himself strong enough to take on his old mentor, Darth Sidious. Sensing his potential, Sidious took Maul as an apprentice while he was still a child. Dathomirian language[2] The two were interrupted by Count Dooku, whose arrival angered Maul. Even though the recently blinded Kanan was able to anticipate Maul's footsteps through the Force and push him from a precipice,[11] the Zabrak was far from defeated. Darth Maul has been a menacing villain ever since appearing in the first Star Wars ... while his sister Leia struggled to help develop the New Republic. McCaig wanted to soften the look of the character, at one point adding feathers the top of Darth Maul's head. Organizational information Taking his brother as an apprentice, Maul and Opress held that they were the true Sith rather than Sidious and Tyranus. The Jedi apprentice also hoped to recruit the old Jedi Master to join the growing rebellion. The High Republic: A Test of Courage, Star Wars: The Dark Side, Bug, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, The Gilded Cage–class. Skin color [32], After the duel on Mandalore, Sidious took Maul as his prisoner and brought him to the remote world of Stygeon Prime, where the Confederacy of Independent Systems operated the Spire, a prison fortress in the mountains. [29], The Nightsisters of Dathomir: Canon vs Legends. [19], Maul hired a group of bounty hunters (Cad Bane, Aurra Sing, Vorhdeilo, and Troo-tril-tek) and traveled to Nar Shaddaa in an attempt to learn the location of Xrexus's auction. Maul took Ezra to the ruins of the Nightsister lair and explained that he was the last survivor of the Nightsisters. Affiliation(s) Died Upon seeing that it was Tano that came to confront him, Maul told her that he was expecting Kenobi and asked why she was on Mandalore. Water of Life[1]Waters of Change[7]Waters of Truth[7] I would … [22] Later, during his duel on Naboo against Jinn and Kenobi, he demonstrated the ability to fight both the Jedi Master and his apprentice simultaneously on equal grounds as well as overpower Kenobi after he killed Jinn. Maul was taken by Sidious from his home and separated from his two brothers, Savage Opress and Feral and trained to be a weapon fueled by the dark side of the Force. He described Maul as broken and attempted to convey a shattered mind through his acting. [31] He openly stated his belief that he could not defeat Darth Vader without the help of the Jedi,[11] however, this could be a lie to keep Ezra Bridger inside the temple due to the fact that Maul later decides to attack the other Jedi before even facing with Vader. After his vision ended, Maul was praised by his master, and Maul realized that it would take more than his rage and emotions to destroy the Jedi. Introducing himself as the "Old Master," Maul alleged he had been seeking the same Sith holocron that Ezra was currently looking for, also seeking to destroy the Sith. [21], Both proved to be a match for each other. On one occasion, Ezra even attacked and almost killed a rebel trooper whom he mistook for Maul. Claiming that he had no further use for the two, Sidious told Maul to kill them, but the former Sith Lord had other plans. Unlike last time, both ends of the lightsaber remained functional. Darth Maul is a character and villain from the Star Wars media franchise. This article would benefit from the addition of one or more new images. The two Force-Sensitive Outcasts then engaged in a fierce duel, during which Ahsoka proved to be a very tough opponent for Maul, despite the latter being stronger and far more experienced than her. With that, Maul passed away, and as a final gesture of mercy, Kenobi closed his eyes and laid him to rest. Maul tackles General Grievous after boarding the Separatist command ship. [7], While Ventress pursued a path as a bounty hunter,[14] Mother Talzin continued to live in seclusion in the Nightsisters' ruined fortress, where she helped heal the broken body and mind of her son, Darth Maul. He longed for a confrontation against the Jedi. [24], Some Nightsisters believed in the Winged Goddess, a deity of life, fertility, and divination, while some others believed in the Fanged God, a deity of death and the hunt. [37], Maul continued, telling Tano that he had hoped Kenobi would have come alongside his "loyal foal," Anakin Skywalker, to which Tano revealed that Kenobi had a more important engagement. [18], The Nightsisters mummified their dead before placing them in pods of animal skin decorated with tassels, which were hung on structures made of branches, bones, animal skins and shells. Eighth Brother. [5], Maul engages the Scimitar's cloaking device on approach to Tatooine, Because Amidala was necessary for their plans—the queen needed to sign a treaty that would legitimize the illegal occupation of Naboo—Sidious dispatched Maul to find the queen and the Jedi. [8], Now with an army under his command, Maul and the Shadow Collective planned to overthrow the government of Duchess Satine on Mandalore. Maul and Peiro fought several of their buyers and found the scarn. With Maul imprisoned, Death Watch declared themselves the leaders of Mandalore. Planet of origin Dooku interrogated his predecessor, electrifying him in an attempt to find the information he was seeking. Cybernetics Please follow the guidelines in the Manual of Style and complete this article to the highest level of quality before continuing on other articles. From that point, Maul referred to himself as Opress's Master, in the same manner as the traditional Sith Rule of Two dynamic.[10]. The possessed Kanan and Sabine attacked Maul and Ezra. Maul told Bane to get the ship into space and confirmed to Kaitis that he was a Sith. The costume was therefore made smaller, resulting in the Sith robes Maul wore in The Phantom Menace. Following a struggle, Maul and Ezra reached the entrance of the cave. A Darth Maul Alternate Universe Novel WARNING *Slow updates!!! Grievous was locked in the brig, while Maul tempted Dooku to join him. [14] A combination of his Nightsister magicks, Dathomirian physiology and Sith tenacity served to keep him tethered to life even as his sanity began to leave him. Additional items each sold … The Nightbrother told Maul that they were ready for the next step of their plan, so Dooku was taken before Mother Talzin, who appeared before them in a cloud of smoke. Maul was, therefore, willing to go to great lengths to achieve his vengeance, including slaughtering civilians and thrusting Mandalore into civil war to gain power and draw Kenobi out into the open. Whilst searching for him in the desert wastes, Maul realized that he was lost. ], During the Naboo Crisis Maul wore Sith clothing that allowed freedom of movement, including loose-fitting pants for high-kicks. The Federation launched their vessels and blockaded Naboo, and prepared their battle droid army. The boy who would be dubbed Darth Maul was born the son of Mother Talzin on Dathomir. [8], On Zanbar, medical droids healed Maul from his wounds and replaced the legs he had received from Mother Talzin for a pair of new mechanical legs that returned him to his previous height. Maul heard from Almec and the Shadow Collective that a Jedi was on Mandalore. After defeating the hunters, Maul and Kaitis prepared to fight each other. Using the battle as a diversion, the queen and the Jedi fought to regain control of the city. The battered Maul lived on in the junk fields of Lotho Minor. Seconds later, the rebel crew's astromech droid, C1-10P, activated the magnets, causing Maul's legs to adhere to the vessel's ceiling. One of the deadliest, most efficiently trained Sith in the Order's history. Sidious bombarded Talzin with Force lightning, and the witch released Dooku and appeared in physical form once more. Landing in a canyon at night, he discovered the fragment of the Sith holocron that Maul had planted as bait to lure him in. Maul survived the end of the Clone Wars, witnessing the Great Jedi Purge of Order 66 and Sidious's rise as Galactic Emperor. Maul was subsequently imprisoned within a Mandalorian vault designed to restrain Force-users and placed aboard a Venator-class Star Destroyer commanded by Ahsoka, who was told by the Jedi High Council to bring him to Coruscant so that he could stand trial for his crimes. A pirate, mistaking Maul for a Jedi, begged for his life in exchange for information. Once finished, remove this notice. The bounty hunters had killed the Haddrex Gang and stolen their ship and protocol droid, FE-B3. Talzin anticipated that Sidious hoped to lure her into a trap, so she ordered Maul to go to Ord Mantell, where the Black Sun had a base of operations. Maul rushed to his brother's side, where, in his final moments, Opress expressed his regret that he had failed his brother as an apprentice. Despite some reservations from his allies, Maul was confident that his plan would succeed and they could trap the two Separatist leaders. The Hutts refused to join as they had no credits to buy their allegiance, so Maul and his forces battled the Hutts' enforcers and hired bounty hunters. Great value at the … [3][22], Maul was also very skilled at deflecting blaster bolts with his lightsaber. The Pyke Syndicate and Black Sun also eventually rejoined the Shadow Collective. According to a commonly told story, the first Nightsisters were trained in the ways of the Force by Allya, a female Jedi whom the Jedi Council had sent into exile on the mysterious planet of Dathomir. McCaig used that as the first design, adding metal teeth and blood-red ribbons falling on it rather than rain. Krim attempted to defend himself by informing him of the ever-growing interference of the Galactic Republic in his shipments and of a shipment that had arrived on Coruscant, but was raided by the Republic. Maul's ships attacked General Grievous's command vessel, before attaching itself to the hull of the Separatist ship so Maul and his forces could board and make their way to the bridge. However, Xrexus had planted an explosive on the shuttle, and it was forced to crash-land on Drazkel's moon. Gender Historical information [6], During those years, Anakin Skywalker, while training in lightsaber combat at the Jedi Temple, altered a training droid, giving it Darth Maul's appearance.[29]. In addition, he was a scheming mastermind who plotted his return to power despite losing his place in the ranks of the Sith. Maul, meanwhile, Force-pushed Grievous out of the opening that the explosion created. Height Star Wars Rebels Seventh Sister Inquisitor VS Darth Maul Figurine 9,5 cm. Maul scolded Ezra for his hesitation, warning him that it could cost him his life or the life of his friends in the future. Nightbrothers[1] [32], Despite his ruthless and vindictive nature, Maul was not completely heartless, as he displayed a genuine attachment for his brother, Savage Opress, and their mother, the Dathomir Witch Mother Talzin. Originally, Maul wore a large muscle suit, "making him larger than life," with Batman-like spikes on his neck. After a long moment of consideration, Ahsoka agreed on the condition that Maul answer one question: what did he want with Skywalker. [12] However, their scheme would earn them the ire of Dooku, who would later dispatch General Grievous to Dathomir in retaliation. [2] They were also known to domesticate benign rancors. Savage Opress[10]Ezra Bridger (claimant)[11] [50], Imperial historians were aware of Maul's affiliation with Sheev Palpatine. The Shadow Collective, meanwhile, had also been defeated by Separatist forces. Maul managed to disarm Ahsoka of her main saber, though she quickly retrieved it with the Force. Ahsoka suggested that Maul help the Jedi stop Sidious before this would happen, only for Maul to insist that it was already too late, as the Republic was too corrupted to be saved and the Jedi couldn't possibly stop Sidious. [64], For his return in The Clone Wars, Witwer knew that Maul was a popular character and felt a responsibility to get it right and respect the character's iconic status. While Tano and Jarrus were reluctant to trust Maul, with his help, the three of them forced the Inquisitors to retreat. We visited Disney's Hollywood Studio last year, where we took part in the Jedi Temple show. Maul was trapped and alone in Malachor for years after returning to the planet to find a way to destroy the Sith. [28], During his exile, he made a bargain with a sentient sneaky Anacondan called Morley, who agreed to bring Maul food in return for his leftovers. [34], As they spoke, a Jedi-led Republic assault team attacked the supply outpost. 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In Kenobi 's thoughts: a boy to resurrection, to resurrection, actual. Foiled her plans and she disappeared Working with Zek Peiro and return to power despite his... The shuttle, and Brennar went looking for him be taken to the ground, severely him. Galactic Empire discovered by Kenobi. 19 ] Merrin joined the crew of the Galactic Republic Maul! Gang and stolen their ship time was right possessed Kanan Jarrus arrived at the to... And how he escaped as Opress grew agitated, Maul using his terrifying agility and ferocity to Jinn! Basic 5 points of articulation as most of the spice would not jeopardize his plans to the.