In fact, many of the patients who became seriously ill never passed through a phase that included prominent abdominal pain and tenderness. In 15 of 58 patients, the diameter of the common duct had increased on the postoperative scan. This manifests as non-specific abdominal pain and fever occurring several days after the surgery. MC Complications of laparoscopic cholecystectomy: a national survey of 4292 hospitals and analysis of 77,604 cases. collection, his cholecystectomy would be performed on an interval basis. I have a couple of questions. Review of the axial images reveals a direction communication between the posterior inferior wall of the gallbladder and the fluid collection (Figure 2). Cholangitis was initially present in 36% of patients who later developed bile peritonitis and 21% of patients who did not (P, not significant). The amount was substantially larger in patients who developed bile peritonitis than in those with only bile ascites (Table 2). The operation should be delayed until the fluid collections resolve or after waiting for 6 weeks after the episode of acute pancreatitis so that cholecystectomy can be combined with an internal drainage procedure (eg, cystgastrostomy) if necessary. WHAltman
Associated fat stranding. The mean volume of collected fluid was 8.8±5.2 mL. Because there is risk of miscommunication unless words are used in the same way, we defined them precisely in the article. How much drainage is normal after cholecystectomy? The clinical manifestations of intra-abdominal bile collections were initially discounted in 77% of patients, so the problem went unsuspected for a variable and often lengthy period. 1974 Nov;113(2):417-22 One patient who was brought to our attention, who was not part of this study, died solely because the importance of removing the abdominal bile had not been recognized. Abdominal pain or fever developed from 3 to 21 days after the laparoscopic intervention. Epub 2015 May 14. simple cholecystectomy. This allows the injury to be fully delineated and treatment to be planned and carried out in an unhurried manner. Deziel
Seventy-one percent of these patients developed symptoms during this period, most likely due to malfunction of the drains; 20% developed serious complications. Fluid collections in the gallbladder bed occur in up to 14% of patients following cholecystectomy and tend to resolve spontaneously; collections persisting for more than a week or fluid outside the gallbladder bed raise the suspicion of a biliary leak and/or injury [1]. Traditionally, persistent collections are treated by percutaneous drainage and bile duct decompression. for gallbladder pain from gallstones. Surgeons must watch for the clinical manifestations of bile ascites after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Post-Cholecystectomy What is a Post-Cholecystectomy Diet? Langenbecks Arch Surg. A 70-year-old man status after open subtotal cholecystectomy underwent CT for increasing postoperative abdominal pain. Most cholecystectomies are now done laparoscopically. Routine Sub-hepatic Drainage versus No Drainage after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Open, Randomized, Clinical Trial. This would suggest to me that if there is seldom an indication to place a drain anywhere besides the right upper quadrant, ultrasound would allow these patients to be treated by percutaneous drainage, obviating the need for a CT scan. Of these 179 patients, 25 (14%) had a drain placed at the time of the first operation. Could you give us an idea how many patients required drains placed outside of the right upper quadrant? Terms of Use| From the Department of Surgery, University of California, San Francisco. The mean volume of collected fluid was 8.8±5.2 mL. There were no differences in the initial clinical findings in this group compared with those who did not develop peritonitis. Significance of post-cholecystectomy subhepatic fluid collections. Serum studies resulted with an ALT of 240, AST of 220, ALKP of 600, and a total bilirubin of 2.6. Br J Surg. In that case, the data would not accurately reflect existing surgical practice. No one gets discharged with tachycardia. Occasionally, an operation is required to drain the bile and wash out the inside of your tummy. Occasionally, an operation is required to … Also bile leakage may be rooted for causing PCS. Class 1 bile duct injuries should be treated by laparotomy and closure of the defect in the duct using fine (eg, 6-0) monofilament absorbable suture material such as Maxon (US Surgical Corp, Norwalk, Conn). :'( :'( In less than a week after I had gall bladder removal,I had had a low fever.I went in to the surgeon at the end of the week,he drained fluid;in another week,again.He seems upset/his nurse is extremely rude;and again,I am having A VERY HARD TIME.I c Patient Data. I have 2 questions for the authors. @article{McAlister2000AbdominalFC, title={Abdominal fluid collection after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Abdominal bile collection, sometimes abbreviated as "bile collection," refers to the presence of undrained bile in the abdomen and includes 2 subcategories, bile ascites and bile peritonitis. If bile collections were promptly diagnosed and drained, the rate of serious illness resulting from this complication would decline. Routine abdominal drainage for uncomplicated open cholecystectomy. 2017 Feb;10(1):59-62. doi: 10.1111/ases.12317. The clinical course of patients whose bile collection was drained early (<10 days after cholecystectomy) was compared with those whose collection was drained late (≥10 days after cholecystectomy) . NCMNicholls
CT scan of 53-year-old woman 2 days after laparoscopic cholecystectomy shows collection measuring 21 HU (consistent with fluid) is present within gallbladder fossa (arrow) adjacent to cholecystectomy clip. CRRFyfe
9 (2000) p. 1126 - 1127 They have demonstrated that the clinical abdominal findings may be subtle and that these subtle abdominal findings frequently result in a delay in diagnosis. 1986 Dec;73(12):993-4. doi: 10.1002/bjs.1800731215. In 35 (25%) of these patients, the diagnosis remained elusive even after the first outpatient checkup. The patient was in a good clinical condition and did not mention any complaints. In those patients, repeat laparoscopy is such a simple modality that evacuates all of the bile, both in the right upper quadrant and the rest of the abdomen. Other patients would even need admission to a hospital when this syndrome arises. The mean (± SD) time to diagnosis was 16.8 (25.0) days for all patients with intra-abdominal bile collections. Customize your JAMA Network experience by selecting one or more topics from the list below. Rosato
Fig. HN Perforation of the gallbladder: a study of 25 consecutive cases. It avoids the need for interventionalists, both in radiology and gastroenterology. Post Cholecystectomy Syndrome Causes. Cholangitis developed in 25% of patients with these other serious complications. The term bile ascites is used for bile collections without prominent abdominal pain and tenderness. First, it would probably be impossible to conduct a study like this prospectively, but that is not the point. On the contrary. Fever, abdominal tenderness, and jaundice were initially found in 45% of patients who developed bile peritonitis and in only 3% of patients who did not (P<.001). Of these 154 patients, 21% had serious complications, including sepsis and multiorgan failure. The development of an intra-abdominal bile collection (biloma) is an infrequent complication of laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC). Still, failure to drain a bile collection within just 5 days resulted in serious illness in a few patients. This seems to be a compelling argument for the routine use of surveillance ultrasound by the operating general surgeon in the clinics as well as the office. Our data show that the symptoms caused by bile collections were often quite subtle. But a great percentage of the affected is asymptomatic or presents no symptoms at all. The initial clinical findings did not differ in these patients compared with those with a less complicated illness. Harkins
Previous reports have suggested that bile peritonitis, with guarding and rebound tenderness, is the principal manifestation of an abdominal bile collection, but this is actually an uncommon presentation early in the patient's course.1-6 While a few patients do have such clinical findings, most have much milder symptoms, best referred to as bile ascites.7. Diagnostic imaging is called for even in the absence of pain, fever, leukocytosis, or abdominal tenderness. So I think whether the imaging study uses CT scans, HIDA scans, or ultrasound can certainly be argued. Because the data were collected retrospectively, does this affect the validity of the conclusions? Symptoms, physical findings, course of illness, and laboratory and imaging findings. While this is associated with less discomfort and shorter hospital stays, the incidence of bile duct injuries is more common than with open cholecystectomy.9. Abdominal pain and tenderness (bile peritonitis) gradually developed in 18% of patients with bile ascites. A pancreas duct stent was not employed in this case. The initial clinical findings did not differ in these patients compared with those with a less complicated illness. Bile drainage was often managed expectantly for long periods (average period, 13.9 days; range, 1-45 days) before a diagnostic workup was performed. The anastomosis should be done in 1 layer using fine (ie, 6-0, 5-0, or 4-0), absorbable, monofilament suture. These assumptions are false regardless of the source of the leak. This is commonly seen after uncomplicated laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The primary outcome measure was the presence of subhepatic fluid collection at abdominal ultrasonography, performed 24 h after … BWright
The other 154 (86%) did not initially have drains placed and developed abdominal bile collections. Au Naturel: Transpapillary Endoscopic Drainage of an Infected Biloma. Bile leakage occurs in around 1% of cases. 1993 Jul;91(7):175-6. MESmyth
No previous study has examined the role of peripancreatic fluid collections and subsequent pseudocyst in outcomes after cholecystectomy in these patients. The primary outcome measure will be the presence of subhepatic fluid collection at ultrasonographic examination on the first postoperative day. 2000;135(5):538–544. I think the point that the authors are making is that thorough early investigation is critical to eliminate major bile leakage as a possible factor. The surgeon will make several small incisions in the abdomen. These findings should raise the surgeon's suspicion and institute appropriate diagnostic studies. In treating leaks of the cystic duct stump or the liver bed, one should not rely entirely on a bile duct stent placed at ERCP if there is also an abdominal accumulation of bile, as there usually is. The attempt to separate the presence of bile in the peritoneal cavity into patients who have ascites vs those who have peritonitis seems to me superficial and not worthwhile. A cholecystectomy (koh-luh-sis-TEK-tuh-me) is a surgical procedure to remove your gallbladder — a pear-shaped organ that sits just below your liver on the upper right side of your abdomen. End-to-end repairs of injured bile ducts are rarely successful. BT Bile peritonitis after removal of T-tubes from the common duct. Were they all patients who had drains in place? NLM An abdominal CT scan should be obtained in patients who have a syndrome suggestive of bile ascites, especially after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Analysis of 179 patients with bile fistulas after cholecystectomy, of which 154 patients had undrained bile collections. Our first image of choice is a HIDA scan. Patients with bile ascites who ultimately developed bile peritonitis had a higher incidence of malaise and abdominal discomfort (Table 2). Ravdin
In all but two patients, these fluid collections were of no clinical significance. JE Lethal factors in bile peritonitis. In this series, HIDA scans were misleading for the diagnosis of a bile leak and, too often, a false-negative study incorrectly suppressed tentative concerns about a possible leak. The presence of an abdominal bile collection does not always mean a bile duct injury has occurred, but if the collection is greater than 4 cm, one should assume that there is a significant leak until an ERCP proves otherwise. Bile peritonitis, as used herein, does not imply that the bile was infected. Serious illness, however, was associated with the following: (1) a longer period of undrained bile (15.4 vs 9.2 days, P=.04) and (2) a higher incidence of infected bile (45% vs 7%, P=.001). Main Outcome Measures
| After endoscopic cholecystectomy, the chance of biloma is 0.3%-0.6% . The evidence suggests that if bile collections were never drained, most patients would eventually become gravely ill from superinfection. Gastroenterol Res Pract. Arch Surg. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD006003.pub2. Only 5 patients (3%) had bile peritonitis as the initial presenting syndrome caused by the bile collection. Fluid collection was established by computed tomography (CT) scan. The clinical course of patients whose bile collection was drained early (<10 days after cholecystectomy) was compared with those whose collection was drained late (≥10 days after cholecystectomy) (Table 3). Drain output was minimal, and blood tests showed rising leucocytosis and inflammatory markers. Patients with serious complications had undrained bile present for 15.4±19.1 days, while those without serious complications had undrained bile for 9.2±10.7 days (P=.045). 1972 Aug;105(2):173-6 This diagnosis should be suspected whenever persistent bloating and anorexia last for more than a few days; failure to recover as smoothly as expected is the most common early symptom of bile ascites. Fifty-four percent of patients whose bile was drained 10 days after their cholecystectomy had fever, compared with 29% of those whose bile was drained less than 10 days after their cholecystectomy … We tend to keep our patients overnight and find that the patient's heart rate is a key clinical determinant of problem. Elboim CM, Goldman L, Hann L, Palestrant AM, Silen W. A prospective ultrasound study of the right upper quadrant in 105 patients who had undergone cholecystectomy showed the incidence of fluid collection in the gall bladder fossa to be 24% 2 to 4 days after operation. A. CT 6 days after LC shows an oval fluid collection, a biloma, in the gallbladder fossa ( arrow ) adjacent to a surgical clip ( arrowhead ).The leaking bile assumes a pear-shaped configuration resembling the gallbladder. We diagnosed this case as acute cholecystitis Grade 2, so we considered early cholecystectomy according to the Tokyo guideline 2018 [3,4]. HH
The mean (± SD) amount of bile recovered when drains were inserted into the bile collections was 713 (901) mL. One hundred seventy-nine patients with bile fistulas were referred for evaluation to the University of California San Francisco Medical Center between 1990 and 1999. The right upper quadrant drained most of the bile. After laparoscopic gallbladder removal, 53 patients were randomized to have a suction drain positioned in the subhepatic space and 53 patients to have a sham drain. © 2021 American Medical Association. Sepsis following cholecystectomy. Drains placed at the index operation usually worked well. Laparoscopic . NBSillin
This technique is the most common for . Accessibility Statement, Initial Clinical Symptoms, Signs, and Laboratory Findings in Patients With and Without Bile Drains at Index Operation*, Findings in Patients Who Ultimately Developed Bile Peritonitis Compared With Those Who Did Not (Bile Ascites)*, Comparison of Laboratory Values in Patients Without Bile Drains at Index Operation (Early vs Late Placement)*, Comparison of Computed Tomographic Scan, HIDA Scan, and Ultrasound in the Initial Diagnosis of Bile Ascites. This occurred shortly after the introduction of laparoscopy in the 1980s. Vigilance should be high for the initially subtle manifestations of bile in the abdomen. Successful treatment of limy bile syndrome extending to the common bile duct by laparoscopic cholecystectomy and common bile duct exploration: A case report and literature review. These bilomas develop in the subhepatic space most often secondary to iatrogenic injury of the extrahepatic ducts. Unless drains have been used, a bile leak leads to accumulation of bile in the abdomen. Abdominal pain or fever developed from 3 to 21 days after the laparoscopic intervention. Do you follow up for a prolonged interval those patients who do have bile duct injury after drain placement, or do you operate on them early after discovery of the bile duct injury? The serum bilirubin level only loosely correlated with the volume of bile in the abdomen. Thus, following the abdominal findings as a strategy for determining the course of the illness was unreliable. B Bile ascites. KAScudamore
How much drainage is normal after cholecystectomy? A possible cause of PCS is blood flow or circulation problems. Could you expand on the shortcomings of ultrasound, because this is certainly not consistent with surgeons' experience with ultrasound in the emergency department. While a successful ERCP was sensitive, the success rate for achieving a technically adequate study was only 87%. It can be managed by laparoscopic washout with or without bile duct repair. EFBerkowitz
First, could you tell us about the specific complications that occurred in those patients who did have infected bile, and second, what recommendations could you make for management in patients who had drains placed? Cholecystectomy was the first general surgical procedure in which laparoscopy replaced open surgery as the standard of care. Any residual collection? Overall, a symptomatic bile collection was initially missed in 77% of patients; their symptoms were considered nonspecific or insignificant. CMFain
The reason for the differences from patient to patient is unknown. Our website uses cookies to enhance your experience. The preoperative diagnoses were chronic cholecystitis (65%), acute cholecystitis (32%), and miscellaneous (3%). In conclusion, we recommend adoption of a high index of suspicion for biliary tract injury in postcholecystectomy patients who have anything less than a smooth postoperative course. Postcholecystectomy Abdominal Bile Collections. This manifests as non-specific abdominal pain and fever occurring several days after the surgery. Therefore, a negative HIDA scan was unreliable, and a positive scan required the alternative study anyway. Introduction According to the literature, early cholecystectomy is necessary to avoid complications related to gallstones after an initial episode of acute biliary pancreatitis (ABP). In 23 (13%) cases, the injury was recognized at the index operation. To Drain or Not to Drain after Colorectal Cancer Surgery. Biliary Injury after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. The primary outcome measure will be the presence of subhepatic fluid collection at ultrasonographic examination on the first postoperative day. RP Spontaneous of the extrahepatic bile ducts and bile peritonitis in infancy. How should care proceed? It has been reported, that about 5% to 30% of patients who have had cholecystectomy developed the syndrome. Nevertheless, reabsorption of bile collections larger than 4 cm was rare and unpredictable. Dr Way: A main point is that surgeons expect bile in the abdomen to always produce clinical peritonitis, meaning pain and tenderness. ISMorrison
The clinical findings in 179 patients with bile fistulas resulting from iatrogenic laparoscopic bile duct injuries and other miscellaneous operations between 1990 and 1999 were analyzed. This did not correlate with alkaline phosphatase or bilirubin levels. -, Surg Gynecol Obstet. With traditional open cholecystec- tomy, retained intraperitoneal stones were uncom- ... X 2.5 X 5-cm fluid collection with similar debris. Because these patients all had bile duct injuries, this strategy subjected these patients to 2 laparotomies instead of 1, as a second procedure was required later to repair the bile duct injury. Laboratory findings were not different and the time to diagnosis was not different between the 2 groups (Table 2). ... "Abdominal fluid collection after laparoscopic cholecystectomy" British Journal of Surgery Vol. We are concerned about the treatment delays that followed false-negative HIDA scans, and can find no role for this test in this situtation. 2007 Apr 18;(2):CD006003. Indian J Surg. WR Bile peritonitis: an experimental and clinical study. We present a case of as… There is some free fluid in Morison’s pouch. 1A —Normal appearances after cholecystectomy. The tachycardia may not be due to a bile leak, a biloma, or anything serious, but we have found that a normal heart rate usually precludes a significant complication. Bile produces a chemical peritonitis associated with cytokine release and alterations in fluid transport across peritoneal membranes, suggesting that an inflammatory process is present. Fluid collection was detected in the gallbladder area in 67 patients (26.8%). RJJackson
K Consequences of intraperitoneal bile: bile ascites versus bile peritonitis. About 20% of patients had drains in places other than the right upper quadrant. 1970 May;171(5):764-9 Essenhigh
Symptoms, physical findings, course of illness, and laboratory and imaging findings. Ten patients with subhepatic fluid collections complicating laparoscopic Cholecystectomy were successfully treated by interventional radiological procedures. Among our series, the correct diagnosis was missed initially in 77% of patients. Results
Women who develop post-hysterectomy fluid collections appear to be at increased risk for the development of febrile morbidity and cuff cellulitis. Mitchel P. Byrne, MD, Evanston, Ill: I have 2 questions. Objective
raphy showed a 2 X 5 X 4-cm subdiaphragmatic fluid col- lection with echogenic debris, which extended to another 3 X 2.5 X 5-cm fluid collection with similar debris. His medical history included diagnosis of Sandifer syndrome, scoliosis requiring 3 spinal surgeries, microgastria, and hiatal hernia repair, and most recently, laparoscopic cholecystectomy (7 weeks prior). HNHarmon
Therefore, CT scans should be obtained early in the management of a patient with an unplanned external bile fistula, more or less routinely, to check on the adequacy of drainage. A middle aged man who complains of abdominal pain and bloat for 3 days after a combined laparoscopic cholecystectomy and umbilical hernia repair develops a fistula through the umbilical wound. Of the 179 patients, 25 (14%) had a drain placed at the index operation that functioned properly, while undrained bile (ie, a bile collection) developed in 154 patients (86%). But cholecystectomy could not be performed because of shortage of operation staff in midnight. HCronin
Ports (hollow tubes) are inserted into the openings. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. Because bilirubin levels remained so low, they were often dismissed as clinically insignificant. The incidence of cholangitis (100% vs 25%, P=.04), sepsis (100% vs 6%, P=.004), and leukocytosis (16.2 × 109 vs 12.6 × 109, P=.03) was greater in those who initially presented with peritonitis compared with those who did not. We found it be to 100% sensitive, and if a leak is identified, it doesn't necessarily mean that a bile duct injury is present. Get the latest public health information from CDC:, Get the latest research information from NIH:, Find NCBI SARS-CoV-2 literature, sequence, and clinical content: LWay
Biliary LeakBiliary Leak Leaks from the cystic duct stumpLeaks from the cystic duct stump unrecognized duct of Luschkaunrecognized duct of Luschka.. Bile leaks commonly present shortly after cholecystectomyBile leaks commonly present shortly after cholecystectomy ((within 1 weekwithin 1 week)) with right upper quadrant pain, fever, chills, and hyperbilirubinemiawith right upper quadrant … The mean duration of drain placement was 3.1±1.9 (range 1–16) days. It is observed that the rate of clinically-relevant bile leaks after conventional open cholecystectomy ranges was between 0.1% and 0.5% 1-3). Of this latter group, 74 had drains placed and 79 did not before a definitive operation was performed to treat the fistula. The sensitivity for detecting intra-abdominal bile collections was 70% and 64%, respectively, for ultrasound and HIDA scans (Table 4). No pain, no temperature, no problems with gastrointestinal passage were present. (1) Prominent abdominal pain and tenderness developed in only 21% of patients with abdominal bile collections; (2) the symptoms caused by bile collections were often subtle and their significance was overlooked, which resulted in a delay in diagnosis; (3) the early clinical findings could not distinguish patients who did become critically ill from those who did not; and (4) seriously ill patients more often had delayed drainage and infected bile. Lilly
After laparoscopic gallbladder removal, 53 patients were randomized to have a suction drain positioned in the subhepatic space and 53 patients to have a sham drain. The injury went unrecognized in 156 patients (87%) at the index operation. The biliary injuries in the patients who underwent a laparoscopic cholecystectomy were classified as follows: class 1, 8% (partial transection of the common bile duct); class 2, 21% (injury to the common hepatic duct due to clips or cautery); class 3, 54% (excision of a portion of the common duct and/or hepatic ducts); and class 4, 15% (damage to the right hepatic duct). There is no need for a T tube, which just adds further trauma to the duct. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy has emerged as a gold standard therapeutic option for the management of symptomatic cholelithiasis. Two patients died of sepsis and multiorgan system failure. But bile fluid can occasionally leak out into the tummy (abdomen) after the gallbladder is removed. 1—74-year-old man with hemorrhage after open cholecystectomy and common bile duct exploration. [1] These symptoms can represent either the continuation of symptoms thought to be caused by gallbladder pathology or the development of new symptoms normally attributed to the gallbladder. Once the presence of intra-abdominal fluid has been confirmed by CT scan, the fluid should be percutaneously drained and cultured while the patient is still in the scanner. The advantage of the retrospective aspect is that the analysis is based on statements in the hospital records that preserve the thoughts of those caring for the patients at the moment. et al. AB Acute perforation of the gallbladder. There was a gallstone in the gallbladder. Sometimes this fluid can be drained off. She was discharged. The group of main interest consisted of 154 patients with undrained bile collections. After laparoscopic gallbladder removal patients are randomized to have a suction drain positioned in the subhepatic space or to have a sham drain in the subhepatic space. We described our own series of patients, and our paradigm is quite different from that of the authors. Bile accumulates in the abdomen in most patients with bile duct injuries because the injury most often results in a fistula that goes undetected and undrained during the original operation. Intravenous Fluids After Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy: Necessary or Dispensable. ... it may manifest as an abscess or fluid-filled collection at imaging . The principal misconceptions identified in this study are that a collection of bile (1) always produces severe pain and (2) can be left untreated as long as the patient looks and feels well. Barakat M, Kothari S, Sethi S, Banerjee S. Dig Dis Sci. Of these 154 patients, 21% had serious complications, including sepsis and multiorgan failure. Cholecystectomy. While positive findings are important, absence of expected positive findings (eg, fever or leukocytosis) is common and does not diminish the significance of the positive findings. The primary outcome measure was the presence of subhepatic fluid collection at abdominal ultrasonography, performed 24 h after surgery. Evidence according to Cochrane Systematic Reviews on Alterable Risk Factors for Anastomotic Leakage in Colorectal Surgery. The term postcholecystectomy syndrome (PCS) describes the presence of symptoms after cholecystectomy. J Indian Med Assoc. Bile peritonitis is the term used when a patient with an abdominal bile collection manifests prominent abdominal pain and tenderness. 2018 Mar;63(3):597-600. doi: 10.1007/s10620-017-4723-7. Subhepatic drainage after cholecystectomy, open or laparoscopic, is still an unsolved debate. Its wall is thickened and enhances. The following factors correlated with a worse outcome: length of time bile was left in the abdomen and the development of superinfection. 2013 Feb;75(1):22-7. doi: 10.1007/s12262-012-0452-5. After laparoscopic gallbladder removal patients are randomized to have a suction drain positioned in the subhepatic space or to have a sham drain in the subhepatic space. Would you like email updates of new search results? Bile duct injury manifests as a leak, stricture or transection [9]. Dropped gallstones leading to abscess formation can occur after a period of months to years after the laparoscopic cholecystectomy, which can make diagnosis challenging . -, N Engl J Med. Most patients with bile collections did not present with peritonitis; instead, they had bile ascites, with mild, relatively nonspecific symptoms. We were dealing with a skewed population in the sense that there were few patients with leaks from the cystic duct stump or gallbladder bed. 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