Box Staplers. I think, If Liz is putting her personal thoughts out there, she has decided to bear the risk of going against the grain of common wisdom that says is just not worth it. No, I am disagreeing with her and expressing my disagreement by removing my business from her client base. On the other hand, I love the fact that Bill Penzey of Penzey’s Spices also makes his values and beliefs clearly known, which mirror my own. Those were generic, this one is specialized. Same thing, really. Min. Seems a bit over excited for the topic under discussion. It’s very simple. There was no introduction to her list of grievances, no invitation to consider other’s views, no solutions or rationale for what, to my mind, bordered on a political rant. Will we be better off in four years? Accepts 3/8", 1/2" and 5/8" staples. I clearly do not think so! Also, there is a difference between “I disagree with you” and “I will never buy anything from you because of what you believe.” The former is discourse. Marijuana stays in your system for at least 5 days. Our wide range of heavy duty carton staples are competitively priced. Min. Everyday workhorse. The Carton and Box Stapler is a manually operated stapler used to close/seal cardboard boxes. Term Limits for Politicians – We need to do what’s right for the country and not the constant battle for money and re-election. Write a Review. Enjoy your boxes. My advice to Ms. Uline is that it was not just what she said, but how she said it. So, there is no economic penalty for changing my supplier from “Fascist/Stalinist, Inc” or from Uline to another supplier. It sounds like what has changed is that you don’t like her being able to exercise a basic freedom of choice—or you do—but feel the need to penalize her company for it. Thats your choice, as it is mine to be right of center. Spineless my ass. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Will buy from them forever. Uline Manual Stick Carton Stapler "C" - 3⁄4" $155.99. Is it not your obligation then to find out where every company and every brand you purchase from, throws their money? I think people are easily fooled to underestimate their military scale tactics of embedding their views and believes. So okay, we should stop doing business with the people who disagree with us then, right? Contact(845)807-8727 with any questions. Was like crazy grandma at thanksgiving. Get the best deals on Carton Staplers when you shop the largest online selection at However, I cant agree or disagree with 1,3,5,7,8 and 9 – because they are bullshit. Uline stocks a huge selection of pneumatic carton staplers, pneumatic box staplers and pneumatic stick staplers. Most businesses are afraid to make those statements because they fear the business they will repel, without understanding that A) they’ll never get all the business anyway, and B) they will attract people who share their values. I’m left of center, wary of ideology of any stripe, and I couldn’t agree more with your comment. Some of these statements, anybody could sympathize with. _____________________________________________ My whole point is that boycotts lead to madness. In fact, a long list of groups, agencies, and businesses are in support of keeping this law in place (see and scroll down for a list). Order by 6 pm for same day shipping. When the wage gaps between CEOs and the people they employ are something like 50:1, grandstanding doesn’t mean much of anything. Order by 6 pm for same day shipping. We run into this type of decision every day when we buy products that are “Green” sustainable, or ecologically produced. 50" overall height. This box stapler is a model h1030. It’s all how you view living your values. 4.8 out of 5 stars 10 ratings. However, never in my wildest dreams did I consider my purchases could be filtering back to support the election of the Trump regime and all of the chaos and grief that entails. JORESTECH Manual Carton Box Stapler 1932. I don’t think boycotts lead to madness. But Josh, you are an expert on business writing, and that’s what this blog is about. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Use with Air Compressor. Uline Manual Box Stapler Model: H-1025. My business cannot, and as a representative, I need to do what is fiscally responsible for the company based on fact, not based on my own personal feelings or political leanings. 12 Locations across USA, Canada and Mexico for fast delivery of pneumatic staplers. Uses C58, C34, C78 staples, 1-1/4" crown, 5/8" - 7/8" leg length. 209 results for uline box Save this search. Let’s say that the company was “Fascist/Stalinist Inc.” And that I was unaware of the views of Mr. A. Hitler and Mr. J. Stalin the co-owners. Her biggest corporate customers are likely to be led by conservatives, and she may have more to gain than to lose by planting that flag — she’s marketing to big fish — not you or me — and she’s not concerned with losing our business. Get Coupon. per square inch. Use with S-22480 or S-22481 staples. Honestly, if I were already a customer, I don’t know if it would make me change my behaviors. Opens image gallery. The latter is divisive. Gee, Someone is fired up and angry, today. A heavy duty carton stapler is designed to handle the tough application of sealing the tops and/or bottoms of boxes, in settings such as warehouse and mailing rooms. And those that use the system for their own $$$ gain, while violating the rights of American citizens, are true villains. If she had wanted to keep me as a customer all she had to do was leave her political opinions out of her catalog. Back to top: Advanced Search . PRICE PER CARTON … Here it is: I’m from Chicago, too. If you support my foe I will not support you is fair game in business. Free shipping for many products! I can’t believe our country has come to this — blatant pandering, and corruption. Image not available. What bothers me is the majority that are left of center on here are revolting on a business because they don’t agree with the business owners thoughts/beliefs/political affiliation. I don’t like that my dollars, from my purchases of their products, go to fund things against which I believe. (and like most conservatives, she is all about free speech, but only when she likes what ‘s being said!). This is a case of “don’t judge a box by it’s volume.” Unfortunately our dollars ARE one of the most important ways to stop the infestation. The quality of what I am spending my money on—be that a product or a service—is paramount to me when making wise decisions about my finances. That said, she has a right to express her political views, and if she chooses to do so in a letter from the owner, then surely she understands that the readers, her customers, also have a right to find another vendor. Foreign Policy – Get one. It affects your children or grandchildren. . Order by 6 pm for same day shipping. The question is whether we should still buy boxes from them. I have become a Penzey’s Spices FREAK because of his positions. Imagine a similar message with a liberal lean. Where do you draw the line? Would you buy boxes from a company supporting democrats? I would rather see more jobs created regardless of political affiliation and higher wages for a start. I just called their 800 number and told them I wish to be removed from their mailing list and the representative who answered told me they would. Copyright WOBS LLC. Price: US $200.00. Companies have, in my opinion, every right to make polarizing statements in whatever media they so choose, or by their actions. However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. Meanwhile, the important issues in the country, the ones that contribute to our continued prosperity, are being put on the back burner, left to take care of themselves. I just want to buy things I need without having to get screamed at with someone’s politics. You could get lost in this thing — it’s like the Container Store for small businesses. If you are liberal, would you stop doing business with Uline? The stronger it is at attracting, the stronger it is at repelling. Free staple remover from with purchases of $200 or more on carton staples. Two Locations in Canada for fast delivery of pneumatic staplers. Mouse over to Zoom- Click to enlarge. Order by 6 pm for same day shipping. If my plumber gave money to Trump, but is a good plumber, I’ll keep using him. Worst 45 minutes of the last 20 years of my life. Manual Carton Stapler {H07-04380} (Used) $25.00. Free delivery. $3,549.99. And last I checked, it was the approval of the marketplace for goods/services that kept a company’s doors open and not that of political preference. $80.00 + $30.00 shipping . Staple cartons twice as fast. Uline H-1025 Manual Carton Box Stapler with 9 Boxes Type C 5/8" Staples. $12.50 shipping. No longer will my company by from Uline; And, as a small company, I’m sure my purchase are just a tiny, tiny fraction of what Uline sells to larger companies and organizations, it does not need my business. Druckluft Karton Tacker Karton-Verschlusshefter Karton Verschluss Hefter 35mm . Wow! Uline Carton Box Staples C5/8" Staples S-289 Box of 2,500 Staples "New Surplus" $19.99. How about simply focusing on having the best product or service, and a company people are happy to work for? It remains a gateway drug. I find it interesting which type of companies make which type of statements. ULINE PNEUMATIC STICK CARTON STAPLERS: MODEL NO. Views change. You have introduced religion into this discussion, I have stated nothing about religious beliefs and I will not. Should we pick sides based on Liz Uihlein’s political views? per square inch. Very good point. Huge Catalog! Liz’ comments seem like somewhat benign “opinions” if the above is all you ever read about her and if you don’t lift a finger to find out who her and her husband are. Perhaps you may be able to find the kind of supplies you need elsewhere and at only a minor inconvenience or additional cost. So I checked it out, and sure enough, … … shows a $10,000 contribution! Save . ), there’s no mention of political parties. Price: $149.99 & FREE Shipping: This fits your . Are you boycotting all of them? What about the person who cuts your hair? Or that Uline is not so special that anybody truly needs them as much as they need customers. It will be interesting to follow, if we have a way of finding out. does a good job supplying packing material at a fair price. There are no other shareholders outside of the Uihlein family so, if she wishes to potentially alienate her customers with her opinions that’s her perogative. But just because I do business with someone doesn’t mean I support everything they do. Pneumatic version available. Why not? Order by 6 pm for same day shipping. I pondered this when I received a clearly political message in the catalog for the Uline, the company I get my shipping supplies from. No need for compressed air. Do dollar based decisions trump all other value based judgments? I order online, and have repeatedly asked them to NOT send me catalogs. Add to cart. per square inch. $79.00. Political parties change. The selling off of the commons. So my question becomes, where does it end? Had I not known about her political views, I would not look for options. Vintage Container Stapling Corp. Manual Carton stapler. You’re welcome to boycott whatever you want. Thanks Dave. I’m very disappointed. Huge Catalog! Frankly, those in power give the latter more weight. On the surface it seems to be divided between companies that assist me in doing business (conservative). Would it be a reasonable decision not to buy from “Fascist/Stalinst, Inc.” and pay a higher price? California needs a turnaround. Adjustable penetration depth. Uline may see a nice positive revenue bounce as a result of this message (as Penzey’s has), or they may see a dip. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We offer a wide variety of heavy duty Box Staplers and tools to help you build and close corrugated boxes. H-3796 applicator for $135 from when you buy five or more non-slip easy-to-use carpet protection tape rolls from Uline. View & download of more than 2299 U-Line PDF user manuals, service manuals, operating guides. Free shipping. Their agendas change. $99.99 + shipping . She should use her pulpit to positively strengthen her tribe of customers and staff by expressing shared values and how the company is living those values. Image not available. However, I understand that Uline is a privately owned company. Or the person who washes your car? I don’t believe these messages belong in my catalog. $200.00 + shipping . Their prices are high but they have good delivery service. Actually from what she wrote it seems like she’s not very smart,cunning, vile, manipulative, fascistic, maybe, but not smart. Quickly assemble corrugated trays, lids and cartons. Shipping to 98052: Items in search results ... crisp air c-Type 15mm Manual Carton Stapler Box Stapler same as uline H-1025. The best college course I ever had was called “Deterrence and Defense.” The strongest guy on the playground has a responsibility. 1Each. We all are entitled to our opinions. The Uihlein family is the same one that ran the Schlitz Brewing Company into the ground with a series of disastrous decisions; it was the biggest in the world. Alas, while I too frequently keep paying for services or products from those whose attitudes or actions I find loathsome because it’s too much trouble to seek other avenues, I don’t actually attempt to make people think my laziness is admirable. I don’t live in the US, so I’ll never do business with ULine (and hadn’t heard of them until today) but I like it. Need Carton Staples? instructions before operating the stapler. In this world there is no shortage of cardboard box and packing tape suppliers. Very good point. But, what if there were no other suppliers with comparable quality and prices. If I choose not to purchase from a company that is expressing political opinions that I disagree with, am I not following my own values and exercising a basic freedom of choice? First, the comments and opinions of this group are largely educated and well articulated – both pro and con. ... HB3518 Manual Carton Closing Box Stapler Packing Sealer Carton Hand Nail Gun US. Uline Manual Bottom Stapler Save time by pre-closing the bottoms of your cartons. Staples are sold separately. However, now our relationship has changed. So why take the chance that some of your employees might decide that the lure of FoxComm or Amazon looks all the better just to escape a management structure that one doesn’t agree with? You state in your comments that you owe a fiscal responsibility to make decisions that are economically correct to maintain the profitability of your company. To secure the top of the box there is a choice between a manual top stapler, and a pneumatic top stapler. “I’m taking a stand. All Rights Reserved. Yes, to each their own but I’m done with shopping at Uline and any other organization that supports something that I find as completely objectionable as the Trump organization. In regards to your question, I tend to agree with you. Ms. U. violated the social commons by interjecting her personal opinions into an non political environment. The rules and regulations of this state are unbearable. However, Mrs. Uihlein held those beliefs before you purchased anything from her and the whole time you did so. I’m a left leaning conservative for the most part and yet I still don’t agree with some of the things that the Republican party stands for, thats another topic for another day… but I just really wanted to say that I appreciate the tone of this article and question in the end. Ergonomic handle. The “no” campaign is clearly based on stirring up fear of something that is simply not real. Violence is divisive. No staples included but can be ordered directly from Uline. With the exception of the picture of the Trump head cookie (who sells those? This is the beauty of our social contract and how a society with many different opinions works. Kihlberg 779L Pneumatic Plier Stapler – Use for closing padded mailers, small cartons and … Fast and easy to load. Should I still buy boxes from them? We have Uline in Canada. Over 37,500 products in stock. Uline Carton Stapler (New Hartford) $175. The same goes for Penzey’s or Lakeland. My vote doesn’t split the country. What has changed is my awareness of her differing views. Page 1 of 1: JLA FORUMS | Classifieds | FOR SALE - New York | FOR SALE - New York City, NY. I can choose to buy products made in the USA or any other country, again because of those lovely freedoms we have here. Designed mainly for stapling lids, trays, and sides of cartons. Should everyone quit their job because they disagree with their manager’s political views? Use with 1 3/8" Carton Stick Staples . Yes, ignorance was bliss! I would be well within my rights as an individual and a company owner to choose to do so. It seems to me that there are a lot of people who are happy to pick a fight on the internet with passive aggressive insults and half stated opinions, whereas at least Ms Uihlein has been clear about her stance without actually attacking anyone,. Leave politics out of the catalog. My point is, I’m sick of it. What’s your evidence? Now let’s make this a little extreme in a thought experiment to highlight the concepts. Coupon Code . Or the teacher at your kid’s school? We can agree to disagree on politics. The product has not changed, the prices have not changed. I encourage businesses to make “I believe …” statements, but they should all be aligned with the workings of the business and with the core values of the business. ULINE offers over 30,000 boxes, plastic poly bags, mailing tubes, warehouse supplies and bubble wrap for your storage, packaging, or shipping supplies. ULINE offers over 30,000 boxes, plastic poly bags, mailing tubes, warehouse supplies and bubble wrap for your storage, packaging, or shipping supplies. $263.99. We order supplies for our business and farm several times a year. What anyone working at that company chooses to do with their own money, is patently irrelevant to me and an exercise of their basic freedom. Air Operated Carton Top Stapler Staple 32mm wide x 15-18mm leg. It’s a letter from the president of the company, Liz Uihlein. Part of our social freedom is the freedom to choose your vendors. QR Code Link to This Post. And we do not support firms that do. View Full Details. I buy quality products, regardless of the company’s political leanings, because thank God, I live in this country and that is a choice I get to make. If you didn’t know your cabbie was a wife beater… you might make use of his driving services ignorantly. These heavy duty box staplers are well-built with all wear parts made of tempered steel. £97.23. Register | Login. MEANWHILE….while liberal on here freaks out about Liz’s message…GOOGLE, TWITTER, FACEBOOK, and many other social media COMPANIES are censoring free speech while claiming to be a neutral public forum–which they most certainly are not (such classification does not allow for political editorializing and censorship). This was an eye opener. So, what is No on 3? I buy a fair amount from ULINE. Chick fil a — I don’t eat there, but at least the CEO has begun to listen and consider others’ views. All times are GMT - 5 Hours: Similar Topics; ULINE STEEL CARTON STANDS (Brooklyn) $50. Disconnect the stapler from the air supply prior to questions, contact Uline at 1-800-295-5510. And those that are selling me something is personally us (liberal). Comparable quality and service because of those lovely freedoms we have invested in whetehr Uline prospers or not include! Functions for adjusting staple clamping force and depth Stapler `` C '' - 7/8 '' length... 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And 5/8 '' Staples the best product or service, and a company owner or executive, 4 and.... Bit over excited for the best experience on our site, be sure to on. Bottoms of your cartons president of the Trump head Cookie ( who sells those liberal. Stars 1 Star packing Sealer Carton Hand Nail Gun box Stapler same as Uline..., NY used but in great working order Uline pneumatic box staplers are well-built with all wear parts of. I can ’ t know if it would be the tipping point recommend the use of his.. More money they spend spamming catalogs that are not cost-effective, the U-Line. While the premiums for the post weekend 701829 Atlantic Equipment Inc. 363 Petticoat Lane Bloomingburg set aside portions her! Unfair for the topic under discussion make polarizing statements in whatever media they so choose or. Products from Chick-fil-A //, interesting followup: https: // utm_content=buffer249ff & utm_medium=social & utm_source=facebook utm_campaign=buffer. Cardboard Stapler TESTED works C Type a car, and corruption is a voice a. View & download of more than 2299 U-Line PDF user manuals, operating guides & Uline. Range of heavy duty Carton staplers certainly it is at attracting, the comments and opinions of this are!