Good News from Moldova Despite the hopes placed in the political negotiations in Chisinau over the past few weeks, the Moldovan people may not have a new president any time soon. "In most of the former communist countries the transition from dictatorship to democracy and the free market cannot be done without having corruption at the political level, there are too many opportunities," says Monica Macovei, a Romanian member of the European Parliament and a former justice minister. /Type /FontDescriptor An Author from Eastern Europe. What's in It for You? � �?�� D�^S���(�!��� She says the problem is compounded when the judiciary and other law enforcement bodies are weak or dominated by political powers -- the case in Moldova. Brussels has offered Moldova considerable access to European markets, visa-free travel, and help with adopting standards that make its products to the EU and other global markets. It also risks fueling efforts by pro-Russian parties to discredit the EU and urge the former Soviet republic closer to Moscow. f����0�:�o�]``````L_1�,���D�n~ͦ��ҧ�+�00Q}%��+��֤�BE���h��ʈГ꫁�WRb�-$$����#*��ʤ�W����&���� F5�5#�Wڵ++���W�9���$Ø@�
(�Yl!�T!�1[-. endobj According to the United Nations Statistics Division, countries within Eastern Europe are Belarus, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, and the most-western part of the Russian Federation. Speaking at a video meeting of foreign ministers of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova in the format of the "Trio of EU Associated Partners", Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba stated that Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova are the European Union's most ambitious eastern partners. In August, an online session on disease management was arranged, with leading physicians sharing experiences of treatment of COVID-19 patients, as well as of preparedness plans, treatment protocols and how to optimize human resources to respond to the pandemic. Europe would benefit greatly from a well-functioning and strengthened OSCE as the one pan-European organization in which all … aZ���\L�1-��1Lץ�-,%��I�
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�����QmF /Subtype /TrueType It also suggests that Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine might best focus on reforming their systems for the sake of improving their own states as much as for the goal of joining the EU. /Leading 42 However, the spirit of EU policy has not changed: Moldova has largely been forgotten and there is no strategy on the PMR. Eastern European countries to discuss common challenges and solutions for water and health issues 01-04-2011 Representatives of Belarus, the Russian Federation, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine will meet at a workshop in Minsk, Belarus, on 5-6 April 2011 to share experiences and discuss challenges related to the implementation of the Protocol on Water and Health. �d���O{)�����]{�V�+�)F0A0o:%��҄hꉴiF�N��5��q 03ti�� Ż 3�ȼA?�[�V��i��i���3��K��I��*B%�*�\N�Z��"��� �ǎ�F�(E�^4�D+d3&����@o��/�0�^�5#������l��B��I͐�-��A��:�_c2��0`��E�OvH�K�fd���� 3�;A��!�75���@�]���h!��N���0Bpf�h�������0$��v�a�#�s��K�+�Wƌ�JE�h�$�A2Z$�(��(�f4�IPK�k@_�A/����TAʬ�4�K����>O_
��5r}5V���@ڢ���L��� But what Brussels has not offered Moldova -- or Ukraine or Georgia -- is the certainty that if they do so they will be admitted to the EU. — Ukrinform. That union groups Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Armenia. 5 0 obj [250 0 420 0 0 0 778 214 333 333 0 0 250 333 250 0 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 333 333 0 0 0 500 0 611 611 667 722 611 611 722 722 333 444 667 556 833 667 722 611 722 611 500 556 722 611 833 0 0 556 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 500 444 500 444 278 500 500 278 278 444 278 722 500 500 500 500 389 389 278 500 444 667 444 444 389] 4 0 obj The selected text has limit of 300 characters. /XHeight 250 IT Business Challenge(ITBC) also had to adapt and thus, this year, the event will be an online experience, designed to empower students to become competitive in their local, digital labor market. /BaseFont /Times#20New#20Roman,Italic TEECH was established in 1998 when a group of people who worked (at that time) together at BT near Ipswich, Suffolk took up the challenge from a colleague to help repair two hospitals in Bucharest. >> ;�����������g�g��A?��S�/���{(�ǐ_�Ǖ=���e���+�Ky^�_ ��;�%���W�����_#� ~���T����Ax�5x�uح�(�g�߀�ߤ���솷a�؋��?�K�3�.�����/�� >> NIP 2011-2013 — Republic of Moldova 2 Table of contents INTRODUCTION: THE MID-TERM REVIEW..... 4 Domestic developments..... 5 Developments in EU-Moldova … << "We should be more active in addressing [pro-Russian] propaganda about what the Eurasian Economic Union offers versus what the EU offers a country like Moldova," Fuele says. The capital city, Chisinau, is where most travelers go when visiting the country. "There is a question of enlargement fatigue and loss of confidence in the EU and that has to do with the prolonged economic crisis in the eurozone and now the refugee crisis," Bond says. 6 0 obj /StemV 40 Stefan Fuele, the EU's former enlargement commissioner, says the political crisis in Moldova illustrates three factors that can hamper reform efforts. DIRECTORATE Eastern Europe, Southern Caucasus, Central Asian Republics. Perhaps the toughest issue raised by the Moldova crisis is whether Association Agreements, without a clear promise of eventual EU membership, are enough to encourage the Eastern Partnership states to stay the course. /ItalicAngle -16.4 /Supplement 0 /Length1 230068 Economic crisis, like in other countries in transition, had a positive effect, in a form of decrease of pesticide and artificial fertilizers using. By building a free society engaged in free enterprise, we will set an example for other post-communist countries. As many Moldovans' confidence in reforms is shaken by the corruption scandal, pro-Moscow parties have been quick to urge turning to the Russian-dominated Eurasian Economic Union instead. But as Moldova shows, even when parties are formally committed to European values, old habits can die hard. Working in the streets leaves children vulnerable to abuse and exploitation. � �W����߇�! �W�����?�����_y >> Left between them are several countries in Eastern Europe: Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova. /Ascent 891 /Length 79720 Eastern Europe is, as the name says, the eastern part of Europe. 11 0 obj endobj CENTRAL EASTERN EUROPEAN EXPERIENCE Lead Author Dovilė Šukytė Authors Victoria Bucătaru Simonas Čepėnas Hennadiy Maksak Svetlana Rogov Iurii Vdovenko November 2015 Project Funded by the European Union. Moldova … x��} |յ��4��:��ŒmI��xw�;��ƉI�I�4%�F%$��B Z�����AY After the formation of each new ruling coalition in Chisinau, for instance, it has been common for the parties to divide control of state institutions between them, including the nominally independent judiciary. If you're looking for interesting European cities that are off the beaten path, make sure Moldova is on your list! /Flags 32 << /FontWeight 400 The street demonstrations taking place daily in Chisinau to express anger over the bank thefts and perceived government mismanagement may be part of that corrective process. /Filter /FlateDecode /Type /Font To comment on a portion of text or report a mistake or typo, select the text in the article and press Ctrl + Enter (or click. The Moldova crisis equally illustrates the difficulty of spreading European standards into former states of the Soviet Union where Moscow opposes the effort. After a long waiting period, Moldova's political stalemate has ended and the country's integration with Europe is once again pressing onward. Moldova, a former standout among the six members of the EU's Eastern Partnership program, provides a telling example. That suggests that EU may have to decide for itself whether it really wants new members before it can judge its eastern partners too harshly for stop-and-go progress toward European integration. But Brussels seems loathe to offer such encouragement when member states are divided over the question of bringing in Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia. Moldovan socialists demand the government's resignation in Chisinau on October 29. Although the economic crisis has delayed structural reforms, a new three-year loan programme with the IMF should bolster central bank independence and improve fiscal and monetary policy. Stronger engagement with Eastern European countries would benefit from reform of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE)—a challenge on which the United States, Canada, and EU member states need to coordinate well to see it through. The European Union faces tough challenges fostering its values farther east, where oligarchs who rule or wield enormous policy influence might not share Brussels' views on corruption and rule of law. /FontName /Times#20New#20Roman,Italic The event will be hosted by passionate IT leaders who will share their experience and knowledge with the participants. ���)c������߭#v�ٜKN�5�c�͉��IA�A�`EA! Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus and Southern Caucasus European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA NATIONAL INDICATIVE PROGRAMME 2011-2013 . Registration closes: January 31, 2021. Iȯp�%�N��PDU� ��kB9t��,2E?�Ɉ�s2H�Ģ"],i��,q� �9Psk�r����rI��s�~�7�.�r%k^>�8-�����*� CU1ب[��*E0�_���j7$V8 12 0 obj [0 [778] 3 [250 333] 8 [833 778 180 333 333] 14 [564 250] 17 [250 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 278 278] 34 [444] 36 [722 667 667 722 611 556 722 722 333 389 722 611 889 722 722 556 722 667 556 611 722 722 944 722 722 611] 68 [444 500 444 500 444 333 500 500 278 278 500 278 778 500 500 500 500 333 389 278 500 500 722 500 500 444] 101 [611] 103 [722] 105 [444] 112 [444] 116 [278] 121 [500 500 500 500] 126 [500] 129 [500] 139 [760] 161 [500] 177 [500] 179 [444 444 333 333] 196 [444] 200 [722] 203 [333] 229 [444] 237 [564] 250 [389] 252 [444] 254 [444] 276 [500] 280 [500] 284 [333] 294 [500] 563 [389] 580 [667] 588 [611] 602 [444] 616 [500]] But Fuele says fixing these problems does not depend upon Brussels but upon Moldovans themselves. 8 0 obj /CapHeight 694 Here are four lessons the crisis in Moldova offers on the challenges of EU eastern expansion: Oligarchs dominate the political systems of the three Eastern Partnership countries actively working with Brussels: Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine. Moldova declared its independence from the former Soviet Union in August 1991. /AvgWidth 402 Child labour in Europe: a persisting challenge English français ... Georgia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Turkey and Ukraine. endobj ��p�U��j��[pr/�k`��������%��Q��(��2�o�7��C���M��r��_p�Mp%��p��\���P���|\�|;l�>ߧ|\�|'\��
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��5�k�B�;��J�:�B�@�$�Q>��P����a*L@���S��I�3��3a2rLA��4�F��ӑ���f �"�ڠyD��)φF�/0��;�y.� ���{p /FirstChar 32 endstream The EU has a low profile in Moldova. A member of ENP (European Neighborhood Policy) since 2005, Moldova continues to seek closer cooperation with the EU and eventual membership, though in this is not like to come to fruition while the frozen conflict with Transdnestria and its difficulties in articulating a functioning democracy continue to plague the country. << /Filter /FlateDecode The Eastern European Journal for Regional Studies (EEJRS) is dedicated to foster an effective interaction between innovation, education and research in the Eastern European Neighbourhood countries in order to better understand its transformations induced by European integration process.. EEJRS is a two times peer-reviewed academic journal (June and December). 14 0 obj (including Transnistria), located in the South-Eastern Europe, bordering Ukraine to the north, south, and east, and Romania to the west. "The issue of concern is [firstly] the lack of sustainability of the reform process and, secondly, the polarization of society, and third, a kind of 'privatization' by oligarchs and political parties of the democratic institutions," he says. /Descent -216 Eastern Europe Is A Tough Neighborhood The Moldova crisis equally illustrates the difficulty of spreading European standards into former states of the Soviet Union where Moscow opposes the effort. This region was an integral part of the Romanian principality of Moldavia until 1812, when it was ceded to Russia. /MaxWidth 1831 Moldova, country lying in the northeastern corner of the Balkan region of Europe. Moldova is slowly emerging from a deep recession brought on by the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. ", Fuele calls that affirmation a "light at the end of the tunnel that shows the way forward." Some shifts occurred in 2001, when Moldova joined the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe and the Commission agreed to a Strategy Paper 2002-2006. Common challenges have also been discussed and solutions found through virtual platforms. All of them are former parts of the Soviet Union. The turmoil has left an open playing field for pro-Moscow parties if there are early elections. Work in agriculture may involve using dangerous machinery and tools, carrying heavy loads and applying harmful pesticides. endobj All of them have struggled with the challenges of post-Soviet transition. At the same time, infighting within the pro-Europe camp is undermining efforts to put together a new pro-Europe alliance. Forests cover only 11% of the territory. However, poverty is decreasing at a steady rate. "Travelling to Eastern Europe to help improve the lives of others" who are teech. Challenges and Obstacles Moldova appeared for the first time on the horizon of EU foreign policy in the second half of the ’90s, but a comprehensive policy towards that country only started to be contoured with the launching of the Eastern Partnership (EaP) in 2009. ���
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�ͲKR /Ordering (Identity) Faced with these challenges, Moldova recognizes the need to join a European community that is free, prosperous and at peace. /Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding Upon the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, it declared its independence and took the name Moldova. All are now caught up in a geopolitical tug-of-war between Russia and Europe. And the West has a stake in our success. "We are not imposing a pro-European or any kind of future on our partners.". /Name /F4 /FontDescriptor 6 0 R The landlocked Eastern European country of Moldova is is sandwiched between Romania and Ukraine. Many of those magnates made their fortunes under opaque conditions and fund some of their countries' biggest political parties. endobj While this destination isn't too popular among visitors, Moldova is a fairly safe country to travel, however there are a few things you should know before visiting. The closest Brussels has come is its reassurance to a post-Yanukovych Kyiv that the Association Agreement Ukraine signed on March 21, 2014, in Brussels, "does not constitute the final goal in EU-Ukraine cooperation. x�}TM��0��+|�V��s� �r臚��ꁀ�"59�_3��f��"%�ͼ73~� ն��af�77v;3��`{g���u���q���Y?t��;�Sz��z��ikc�ٰ�O�gwee?�ͧ ��z�{d?����e�����3�AQ��|�����=��q���0_���|������ޜ��3��Gl� endobj /Registry (Adobe) Explainer: What Can Moldova's Crisis Teach The EU? Chisinau on October 29, we will set an example for other post-communist countries is where most travelers when. New pro-Europe alliance Partnership program, provides a telling example committed to values! Also risks fueling efforts by pro-Russian parties to discredit the EU has a hugely important to. West has a stake in our success are now leading their countries ' respective drives toward.. In our success says, the top 10 facts about living conditions in Moldova is on your list up! 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On your list changed: Moldova has largely been forgotten and there is surprise.