In 2008, Epilog launched the industry's first low-cost entry-level CO2 laser engraving system, the Epilog Zing Laser, to bring our technology to an even wider audience. Stocking distributor of New and Used Industrial Woodworking Machinery. Laser Cutting - nothing compares to the quality of a laser cut on many materials. 0000005209 00000 n The Legend will automatically adjust for the line voltage. HIT# 2269850. Unit is used - with optics changed out just recently as well. Epilog 32 model 6000 Inquire. startxref 0000004196 00000 n Can handle material up to 4.5 inches thick and 16" x 12" wide/tall. Evidently, the bigger area a laser engraver can work with, the larger workpieces you will be able to produce at a time. 0000014852 00000 n 0000000735 00000 n Please take advantage of our inventory update email service. SN# 6035-3166924EX. Very strong laser. 00. 50, dated July 16, 2001. 0000003171 00000 n Proudly Made in the USA. Today our systems are used around the globe in a myriad of markets for seemingly endless applications. Laser Engraving - find out how Epilog's laser engravers can create beautiful engravings . Die Legend-Serie bietet vielseitige CO2-Laser, die unsere Kunden zum Gravieren und Schneiden von Holz, Acryl, Kunststoff, Stein und vielen weiteren Materialien verwenden, um Ergebnisse von höchster Qualität zu erhalten. Can handle material up to 4.5 inches thick and 16" x 12" wide/tall. Epilog Laser Mini 24 Laser Engraver. [104180] Wilton Model SS-80 Automatic Strapping Machine, [104197] Dynatec DU55, PP2-V 55 Gallon Drum Unloader, Woodworking Machinery Industry Association, Capable of cutting through 1/4" Wood (Per Epilog Technician). 0000004849 00000 n 120 Watt CO2 Laser Engraver ; Bed Size 32" x 20" Provided with Computer and Software ; Network Capable with Ethernet Port ; Capable of cutting through 1/4" Wood (Per Epilog Technician) You may also be interested in [104166] Omga TI 350 Closed Halving Joint Cutter w/ FP 4000 Stop. 3559 0 obj<>stream To receive your free Epilog laser engraved samples and a brochure visit: Laser Cutting - nothing compares to the quality of a laser cut on many materials. �b�,�T(��pI�)кR$�"�\��#J%"�L(�h��� In business since 1988, Epilog Laser has worked hard to become the leader in the laser engraving, cutting and marking industry. Laser Marking - how can you affordably mark metal parts with barcodes and logos? The Legend has been designed to be easy to operate, but you will utilize it to its fullest potential by taking some time to read this. FREE Shipping by Amazon. City: Los Angeles, CA. Get it as soon as Mon, Jan 25. Madison’s Laser Engraving. trailer Epilog CO2 laser engraving machines, such as those in the Mini/Helix line and Fusion Pro series, provide a wide range of possibilities. Laser Marking - how can you affordably mark metal parts with barcodes and logos? Low Boy Custom Beaters. Stay Connected. %%EOF Unit is used - with optics changed out just recently as well. 80,000 square foot warehouse, stocked with over 600 woodworking machines, located in Hughesville, PA. We add to our inventory frequently. We are innovators. Epilog Zing Laser Cutter-Einstiegsmodelle, einschließlich Zing 16-Lasergravierer. 0000003876 00000 n $6,000.00. Most laser engravers come with software tailored towards Windows users, although there are a few of those that have been designed for Mac OS computers as well. to use an Epilog Laser engraver cutter. SuperCarver K2 Laser Engraver … Epilog Zing Laser Engraver and Cutter - $6000 (Albany) Epilog Zing 16 30 watt laser engraver and cutter for sale. The Legend should be provided with a dedicated 15-amp 0000006383 00000 n 0000003404 00000 n If you use "Email this ad poster" we will not receive your email because it is not wor Price: $8,000.00. Epilog Corp. 6000 Laser Engraver, Class-3a Laser. Bei der individuellen Gestaltung und dem Branding von preisgekrönten Beatern für Bass Drums vertraut dieses Unternehmen aus Denver auf Epilog. 0000010419 00000 n Owner's Manual for EPILOG Legend Model 6000 December, 2000 4 Section 1 – Getting Started CONNECTING POWER Laser systems 50 watts and under: Requires a 100 to 240 VAC, single-phase electricity outlet. Shop for the trusted Mahoney brand to provide quality at a low price for your Epilog Laser, Trotec Laser, Universal Laser, Chinese laser, and more. 0 5����x����.g=���у-`����c�^O�. Contact Us. Used Epilog Model 6000 Laser Engraver Stock #104158 - Available (As Is) Add To Quote . Unit is used - with optics changed out just recently as well. }�"?�T$���"!\� 3.9 out of 5 stars 111. Epilog Zing Laser Engraver and Cutter - $6000 (Albany) Epilog Zing 16 30 watt laser engraver and cutter for sale. Laser Engraving - find out how Epilog's laser engravers can create beautiful engravings . Can handle material up to 4.5 inches thick and 16" x 12" wide/tall. City: Chicago, IL. It’s compatible with a wide range of materials, including mahogany, bamboo, paper cards, ivory, leather, flammable plastics and more (but not with metal or acrylic). xref The Fusion Pro laser series is Epilog Laser’s large format line of laser machines, featuring our largest work area, fastest speeds, and highest engraving quality yet, along with touchscreen controls and our brand-new IRIS™ Camera Positioning system. 0000004887 00000 n US Stock 60W JPT MOPA M7 Fiber Laser Engraver Laser Marking Machine Laser Marker … Tested it out the other day. Laser Engraving - find out how Epilog's laser engravers can create beautiful engravings . 0000005131 00000 n 0000007432 00000 n 3539 21 Epilog Zing Laser Engraver and Cutter - $6000 (Albany) Epilog Zing 16 30 watt laser engraver and cutter for sale. 0000011780 00000 n The Epilog Model 8000 complies with 21 CFR 1040.10 and 1040.11, the Federal Performance Standards for Light-Emitting Products, except for deviations pursuant to Laser Notice No. (�;����y����=�#�G�����}H������Ku������*��=8%9. I was planning on using it for some of my metal art. Posted: 2 years ago. Auction Details ***AUCTION HAS BEEN CANCELED*** Ends from. ���e�f?�����':��\KtrU�~�7����Gq��05��>Y�ג��BBOj�oH�|X)���b�R&�D"��L$ 0000003716 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000012532 00000 n Laser Safety The Epilog Model 8000 Laser System is a Class 3R laser product, as defined in International Standard IEC 60825-1. Epilog Laser – Legend 32EX – 50 Watts, 2007 – Turn Key System -In perfect working condition, light use. Contact Us. Asset Located at 1200 E. 151 Street, Olathe, KS 66062. }��w�^��԰����`i���S-���l� �19R��������?�w7�)��h��[�m�P:R��_L��!Ȣ|�g�ȿ���Ow~����bu���xl�ۜڏ�N�G�P����X!�t���"rE֒��K��� ���hKi~�_�/UƵ�˸���4�9�8�XQ�1>���|�+�5i�=q�@����������_���vscb���^��5����:���3w��\��lݱ��o���o[��T����5�W+_�Ie���D��6�~�9�pբ����!���%¬����� �ʷH�Sx��I����e�*l���Ƚy��5�A��NΤ2�o.���|>�2��i#��9�+��Ɇ��@�0��� P�!��v2͂�} f��V�4ϥ��k�b��ڑI�R�C^�aEA�mp�Jm�1��;E�{����ֺW��6S�� �6�,'*W�C"�i4��ƌx��J.3� ��i��s�O�ԈU�4̬���X1�̈́L�lħӄ�4��43��aY��:���t�� jlu3Ep�Uz�*g��Lϒ�)n��3+&۝Y���A�\�æ���-�y`�^b��:��6�j�gG�o��]o�q0��F[�*���r�k��.�;W�c��8�'����"�H����"��"5�0`����)��fb� �Ͼ�v��v$�m�nc��q�Ɗ��~{�>��2T�r0y'��vM[��\�:�֊]=O��nw��Ҿa��lM3 <<145D482500C39C4F8B4329B3C0764099>]>> Compact Laser Engraver, Mini Handheld Laser Etcher Printer Cutter Home Desktop Laser Engraving Etching Machine with Protective Goggles for DIY Logo Design, Art Craft Science, Wood Paper Leather Black. %PDF-1.4 %���� Epilog Legend Serie – Mini und Helix Laser. Laser Cutting - nothing compares to the quality of a laser cut on many materials. Epilog Fusion Pro Laser Series. 0000013898 00000 n Laser Engraver and cutter “epilog legend 36ext” - $7,000 (Anchorage) Hello,I am selling a laser engraver ( epilog legend 36ext )Bought this printer early this year from the US government. 2017 Epilog 14000 Laser System Dual Source CO2 and Fiber Laser Engraver . 16371 Table Mountain Parkway Golden, CO 80403, USA Phone: +1 303 277 1188 Toll Free: 888 437 4564 Tech Support: +1 303 215 … Eine kostengünstige, ökonomische Möglichkeit, mit der Lasergravur und laserschneiden auf einem hochwertigen Epilog Laser zu … _�^%ȴHA�+��*�L�M��8����C���.��#����8�h Laser Marking - how can you affordably mark metal parts with barcodes and logos? Bed Size . $299.00 $ 299. Loc: Column Location Entrance k13. IMPORTANT!!! 0000008412 00000 n 0000009414 00000 n Posted: 2 years ago. This laser engraver is equipped with 500mW / 1000mW blue and purple laser head and offers a small engraving area of 38 x 38mm. x��W}T���oބ$�|��bx�`P��Q�T0 _� ک�k@���)ʎ�}��)&��:�R��"NgYǢTh9��ԃ�!���T��;[w�}�$h����^8ɽ��=��{~Ͻ�� p ����7�x9 !\ܗ1�J�*@�v�� ੇ Pș�ώ�Ve6�\��Q:9� ���u�qO��G�yd2��$}�� �,���8g�oZ�f�� �q�ծ 莦�Ar� Manufactured by: Epilog Model number: 32 model 6000 Year manufactured: 2000 Condition: Good condition Asking price: $6,630 Price when new: $35,000 Hours of Use or Pulse Count: 500 Included extras: Manual Warranty Demonstratable Training Installation Parts and accessories: INCLUDES: Laser Engraver // Original Manual // Polychem Chiller // Compressor // … 0000012309 00000 n Large inventory of legacy lasers and machine parts. EPILOG LASER MINI 24 LASER ENGRAVER -Like new, just a few hours of hobby use- About this item: 2011 Epilog Mini 24 Laser Engraver 40 watts laser 24" x 12" (457 x 305 mm) work area Vacuum Table Honeycomb Table The possibilities are limitless. 3539 0 obj <> endobj YOM 6-2003. Updates are sent every 3-4 weeks & you may opt out at anytime. Paper Sushi und Guerrilla Outfitters. Owner's Manual for EPILOG Legend Model 6000 December, 2000 How to Use This Owner’s Manual iv HOW TO USE THIS OWNER’S MANUAL Thank you for purchasing an Epilog Legend Model 6000 Laser System (Legend). Contact Us. Vom Hobby-Laserprojekt zum Geschäftserfolg: die Geschichte einer jungen Unternehmerin. Email this ad poster '' we will not receive your email because it is not wor Price: 8,000.00! Mini/Helix line and Fusion Pro series, provide a wide range of possibilities can create beautiful engravings engravings. At anytime square foot warehouse, stocked with over 600 Woodworking machines, as! 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