Entomological notes—tomato russet mite. (1980). Characterizing resistance to. Impact of feeding by tomato fruitworm, Zehnder, G. W. and Trumble, J. T. (1984). It is considered to be native to the Peruvian—Bolivian Andes of South America, where it has been cultivated for approximately the past 2000 years. Gameel, O. I. Common pests of all solanaceous crops. Recent trends in the incidence of aphid-borne viruses in Scotland. Studies on slugs of arable ground. In. Mazzone, P. and Viggiani, G. (1985). Broad mites occur more frequently in the fall production season, but spider mites can occur in the spring and fall growing seasons. The vegetable leafminer. Not logged in Influence of temperature on life history and population parameters of Tetranychus urticae. Influence of host plant on the oviposition strategy of Bemisia tabaci. A study of resistance of wild tomato species to the greenhouse whitefly. Observations on the biology of the greenbug. The potato, Solanum tuberosum L., is one of the world’s staple food crops. Leaf Miners. Slugs—a study in applied ecology. Plant family names can be easily identified because they end in " … Influence of spider mite (. Efieto da epoca de infestacao do microacaro, Evans, K. (1982). Insect pest management: The lesson of Liriomyza. (1980b). In. Insects that cause irregular ripening of tomato include whiteflies. Review of phytophagous pentatomids (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) associated with soybean in the Americas. McKinlay, R. G. (1988). Trudgill, D. L., Phillips, M. S. and Alphey, T. J. W. (1987). Worms that feed on fruit surfaces after extensive foliar damage late in the season include tobacco hornworm and various armyworms. (1977). Hayslip, N. C. (1961). Fagoonee, I. and Toory, V. (1984). Potato cyst nematodes: a critical review of the current pathotyping scheme. The effects of the feeding of the potato leafhopper on photosynthesis and respiration in the potato plant. Eschiapati, D., DeOliveira, C. A. L., Velho, D. and Sponchiado, O. J. Taylor, D. E. (1978). Wardlow, L. R. (1985). Slug parasites and predators. Introduction. I. The biology of, Snyder, J. and Carter, C. (1984). In Georgia, tomato fruitworm and beet armyworm are both typical summer pests that bore into tomato fruit. Since all of these crops are susceptible to frost damage, early planting in greenhouses followed by transplanting into the field avoids freeze damage. Field evaluation of some exotic parasitoids of potato tuber moth. Barnes, H. F. and Weil, J. W. (1944). Biological control of whitefly—initial pest density as the most important factor governing success. Zalom, F. G., Wilson, L. T. and Hoffmann, M. P. (1986b). In, Gutierrez, J. Insect pests of sugar beet. Variation in the photoperiodic response within natural populations of. (1984). Lashomb, J. H. and Ng, Y. S. (1984). Plants should be regularly inspected for virus symptoms and infected plants removed immediately. Cochereau, P. (1976). UGA Extension agents, staff and trained volunteers keep local communities informed through county Extension offices. A. and El-Banhawy, E. M. (1985). Studies on the whitefly, Hessein, N. A. and Perring, T. M. (1986). Life cycles. Musgrave, C. A., Poe, S. L. and Weems, H. V. (1975). Dainton, B. H. (1954). The relationship in field experiments between population density of. The distribution of slug damage in a potato crop. Observation of tomato russet mite (Acari: Eriophyidae) damage symptoms in relation to tomato plant development. (1970). Colonization by Colorado potato beetles, Laska, P., Slovakova, J. and Bicik, V. (1980). Whitefly-transmitted disease complex of the Desert Southwest. Jansson, R. K. and Smilowitz, Z. Direct toxicity and repellent activity of pyrethroids against. Berlinger, M. J., Dahan, R. and Shevach-Urkin, E. (1983). Cabbage looper and southern armyworm can occur later in the spring and throughout the summer, whereas beet armyworm, corn earworm, and tobacco hornworm are more prevalent during the late summer and fall. (1986). The effect of. Slugs in agriculture. Did you know that many of the world’s biggest commercial crops – like potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant, sweet and hot peppers and tobacco – come from the same family of plants? Introduction and evaluation of improved varieties of solanaceous (tomato, chilli), cucurbits (watermelon, squash, zucchini, cucumber, melon), crucifers (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage), salad crops (carrot, … Nematode pests of potatoes. Childs, G., Poe, S. L. and Bassett, M. J. Life cycle of, Ledieu, M. S. and Helyer, N. L. (1985). For later invading cutworms, it is at the time that damage is first detected, and for defoliators, it is at 10% defoliation. [Hybridisation experiments within the complex of species around the green-striped potato aphid. Sharaf, N. S. and Allawi, T. F. (1981). The adult weevils can complete their development inside of the fruit and eventually bore their way out of the fruit wall. Life cycle of the greenhouse whitefly. Cohen, S. and Melamed-Madjar, V. (1978). Download preview PDF. Pest descriptions (hyperlinked in the text) are included in the following sections and the levels of injury expected from an insect species are noted by crop species. (1972). Radcliffe, E. B. Insects that should be controlled mid season to avoid bloom drop and damage to fruit buds include stink bugs [species: southern, brown and green], leaffooted bugs, and other plant bugs. Some of the more easily controlled pests of solanaceous crop seedlings are flea beetles [species: tobacco, southern tobacco, pale striped] that cause small shot-holes in leaves, wireworms [species: southern potato, tobacco, gulf], or whitegrubs, that attack the stem and roots causing the plant to wilt, and cutworms [species: black and granulate] that clip the plant off at the soil line. broccoli, kale, cabbage, collards), and Solanaceae (e.g. The main species of Lepidoptera that attack tomato foliage in Georgia include the various species of armyworms [beet armyworm, Southern armyworm, yellow-striped armyworm]. Control of stinkbugs in tomato. The ‘Iowa’ potato beetle, its discovery and spread to potatoes. Not affiliated Fecundity of. Hower, A. McLain, D. K. (1981). A dipterous pest of vegetable crops under glass: Azmy, N. M. (1980). Penman, D. R., Chapman, R. B. and Bowie, M. H. (1986). Thomas, D. C. (1947). Some aspects of the biology, ecology and control of slugs in S.E. Hunter, P. J. Hussey, N. W., Parr, W. J. and Gurney, J. A new tomato pest in Cukurova. The effect of cultural measures on behaviour and population development of potato aphids and transmission of viruses. Sexual pheromone in the greenhouse whitefly. Nematode-induced syncytium—a multinucleate transfer cell. Native predators and the control of potato aphids. Resistance, Gentile, A. G., Webb, R. E. and Stoner, A. K. (1968). Control of greenhouse whitefly. Major Insect-pests of solanaceous crop (tomato & potato) and their management ... Serpentine leaf miner Liriomyza trifolii An recent introduction, and attacks several crops. Integrated pest control in greenhouse crops. Taylor, C. E. (1986). However, mid-season insecticide treatments are mostly ineffective for reducing TSWV. Tomato russet mite: a serious pest in tomatoes. Kerry, B. R. (1987). In, Yang, O. H. and Chen, C. X. Another important group of insects that directly attack solanaceous fruit are the true bugs, including stink bugs and leaffooted bugs, that cause a dimpling, speckling and blotchy discoloration of the fruit. The Tetranychidae—webbing. … [The role of insect natural enemies.]. Iftner, D. C., Hall, F. R. and Sturm, M. M. (1986). Quantification of the greenhouse whitefly life cycle in a controlled environment. Mite responses in relation to trichomes of. Pests of tomato crops Background Tomato growers should be aware of the potential risk from viroids, viruses and other pests and diseases that can affect tomato crops. McPherson, R. M. and Newsom, L. D. (1984). This leaflet details some of the … In. (1983). Effect of tomato cultivar and fertilizer regime on the survival of, Blackman, R. L. (1971). ], Spaull, A. M., Trudgill, D. L. and Phillips, M. S. (1987). Las, A. The target moths have different host plants, so depending on the crops grown on the farm, between 6-8 moth traps will be set for the following: Silver Y Moth, Golden Twinspot Moth, Old World Bollworm, … Thrips vectored tomato spotted wilt virus also causes distinctive irregular ripening with circular patterns on the fruit. Behaviour of three new potato clones in integrated control systems for potato cyst nematodes. Influence of nitrogen on population parameters of potato insects: abundance, population growth, and within-plant distribution of the green peach aphid, Jatala, P., Kaltenbach, R. and Bocangel, M. (1979). Competitive interactions among endophagous parasitoids of potato tuberworm larvae in southern California. Dixon, P. L. (1986). The biology and behaviour of slugs in relation to crop damage and control. Currently, the most difficult early season pest to control is Thrips [species: tobacco, westernflower] that transmit Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) which causes a severe wilt disease in most solanaceous … Integrated Pest Management Scouting in Vegetable Crops. Atanasov, N. (1971). Taylor, R. A. J. and Reling, D. (1986). In. In, Schroder, R. F. W. and Athanus, M. M. (1985). In pepper, dimpling of the fruit can be a sign of pepper weevil oviposition into the fruit. Other occasional pests that can attack the fruit include: European corn borer, pepper maggot, tomato pinworm, and tobacco budworm. Anderson, J. Thiery, D. and Visser, J. H. (1986). Gerson, U. Control options for this include host plant cultivars resistant to the virus, metallic reflective mulch (shown to be effective in tomato), early season insecticides targeting thrips and reducing thrips feeding at transplant, and plant activators that chemically induce resistance. In pepper, broad mites are the main mite problem in the Southeastern USA and spider mites are more of a problem in tomato. Effects of parasitism by the mite. Male courtship persistence in the greenhouse whitefly. Poe, S. L., Everett, P. H., Shuster, D. J. and Musgrave, C. A. Prevention of tomato leaf curl virus by controlling its vector. Veen, B. W. (1985). The format we used to discuss insect pests is to arrange them by the type of damage that they do to the crop by early, middle, and late growing seasons. Mndolwa, D., Bishop, G., Corsini, D. and Pavek, J. Hernandez-Roque, F. (1973). Mite thresholds have not been established for Georgia, but we recommend a single treatment at the first sign of mite damage. (1980a). Inundative releases of, Kisha, J. S. A. Solanaceous Vegetables. A. Aphids (various species). Whiteflies also can produce a honeydew that results in sooty mold when adult and nymph numbers are high. Blackman, R. L. and Eastop, V. F. (1984). Harris, V. E. and Todd, J. T. (1982). Comparative toxicity of acaricides to, Ruberson, J. R., Tauber, M. J. and Tauber, G. A. A. D. (1986). The activity of slugs. Harris, V. E., Todd, J. W., Webb, J. C. and Benner, J. C. (1982). Tomato pests in South Africa, their potential damage and their control. The parasite-host relationship between, Noldus, L. P. J. J., Xu, R. M. and van Lenteren, J. C. (1986b). Insect pests of solanaceous crops.pdf - Google Drive ... Sign in Cooper, B. The Spanish introduced potatoes to Europe during the second half of the sixteenth century. Sikura, A. I. and Sikura, L. V. (1983). Insecticidal effects on, Pollard, D. G. (1977). Currently, the most difficult early season pest to control is thrips [species: tobacco, westernflower] that transmit tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) which causes a severe wilt disease in most solanaceous crops. Oatman, E. R. and Kennedy, G. G. (1976b). Effects of three rates of aldicarb and of different degrees of resistance and tolerance in potato cultivars on yields and postharvest population densities of potato cyst nematodes. In. Other Lepidoptera pests include cabbage looper, tobacco hornworm, and tomato fruitworm. Chemical control of the southern green stinkbug, tomato fruitworm and potato aphid on vining tomatoes in Southern Georgia. Johnson, M. W., Oatman, E. R. and Wyman, J. (1974). Flea beetles … Insect pests of tomatoes. Its members are characterized by flowers with five petals, … (1987). |, An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Veteran, Disability Institution. Brown, R. D. and Jones, V. P. (1983). Stacey, D. L., Wyatt, I. J. and Chambers, R. J. Mite damage to fruit can appear as a bronzing or russeting of the fruit surface. A. Oviposition and pupation of. Aphid vector monitoring in Europe. Pre-season weed monitoring for thrips and TSWV can help to predict risk at a given location. Jones, M. G. K. and Northcote, D. J. (1980c). Kennedy, G. G. and Smitley, D. R. (1985). Tyron, H. (1917). Laboratory and field studies on the antifeedant effect of piperonyl butoxide against the Colorado potato beetle on eggplant. Effects of temperature and humidity on certain developmental stages of the potato tuber moth. McKinlay, R. G. and Franklin, M. F. (1983). McKinney, K. B. In. (1959). It also can avoid early season pests. Users agree that automated translations may not effectively convert the intended design, meaning, and/or context of the website, may not translate images or PDF content, and may not take into account regional language differences. (1965). The table on the following pages lists several vegetables, herbs, fruit, cut flowers, bedding plants, cover crops and weeds by plant family. Control of tomato leaf curl virus (TLCV) in tomatoes by controlling the vector whitefly. A technique for monitoring. Izhevskaya, S. S. (1983). (1938). Thrips populations greater than 5 per blossom can cause direct damage, but again, most of the damage occurs at much lower levels when thrips vector TSWV, and this must be prevented at an earlier plant growth stage. Inoculative releases of phytoseiids (Acari) for the biological control of spider mites (Acari: Tetranychidae) in corn. Effect of undersowing potatoes with grass on potato aphid numbers. Mead, F. W. (1976). (1968). Studies on bio-efficacy of some insecticides against the pest complex of tomato. Effect of host plant nutrition on the population of the two-spotted spider mite. Quantitative assessment of the predators of. Duffus, J. E. and Flock, R. A. Mote, U. N. (1979). Royalty, R. N. and Perring, T. M. (1987). Delong, D. M. (1971). Flanders, R. V. and Oatman, E. R. (1987). New mite pests on greenhouse crops and on grapevine. (1984). Stoner, A. K. and Stringfellow, T. (1967). Hoffmann, M. P., Wilson, L. T. and Zalom, F. G. (1987). The tomato russet mite, Balandras, C. M. (1985). Tolerance of cyst nematode attack by potatoes. (1955). Reduction of tomato leaflet photosynthesis rates by mining activity of. When referring to fruiting vegetables, all of the above except potato, a root/tuber crop, are included. The action of entomopathogenic fungi of the genus, Sombatsiri, K. (1978). Castresana-Estrada, L., Notario-Gomez, A. and Brizuela, G. C. (1981). Solanaceous vegetables are affected by a range of viral diseases. The insects that damage these crops range in their ability to reduce yields, with the fruit feeders typically causing the most severe direct damage. (1974). [The use of biopreparations.]. Bethke, J. Lamp, W. O., Morris, M. J. and Armbrust, E. J. Nabi, M. N. (1983). Solanaceous Crops • Family: Solanaceae • Warm Season Perennials • Naturally self pollinating – Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) – Pepper (Capsicum annuum, C. frutescens, C. chinense) Other … Abou-Awad, B. Pesticide resistance in Tetranychidae. Ant predation on Colorado beetle (. Shepard, M., Carner, G. R. and Turnipseed, S. C. (1977). Daiber, K. C. (1985). The effect of whitefly populations on the cropping of tomatoes. These keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. Pyrethroid resistance in glasshouse whitefly. Butter, N. S. and Rataul, H. S. (1973). (1986). Sekeroglu, E. and Ozgur, A. F. (1984). Potato aphid and leaf roll virus control: insecticide granules and sprays. Being a vegetatively propagated crop, infection of parent potato plants with systemic virus diseases will reduce the yields of progeny plants grown from parent plant tubers. Susceptibility of the tomato russet mite, Ahman, I. and Ekbom, B. S. (1981). Southern green stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) damage to fresh market tomatoes. A. and VanSteenwyk, R. A. Chalfant, R. B. Esbjerg, P. (1977). Effects of interacting populations of. Cohen, S., Antignus, Y. and Ben-Joseph, R. (1984). https://extension.uga.edu/.../commodities/vegetables/solanaceous-crops.html A., Parella, M. P., Trumble, J. T. and Toscano, N. C. (1987). Chemical control of the twospotted spider mite on field beans. Choudhary, R., Prasad, T. and Raj, B. T. (1983). Breeding for resistance to whiteflies in tomatoes—in relation to integrated pest control in greenhouses. These crops share a number of insect and disease pests, so any crop rotation … The botanical family Solanaceae includes several important vegetable crops such as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, and peppers. Wolfenbarger, D. A. and Wolfenbarger, D. O. (1987). Different stages of pests like eggs, larvae, and pupa can be easily figured out, and they should be picked up regularly and destroyed. Potatoes are attacked by a range of pests which reduces tuber yields either directly by consumption (potato tuber moth, slugs) or indirectly by transmitting viral diseases (aphids) or debilitating plants through defoliation (Colorado potato beetle), sap removal (leafhoppers) or root attack (nematodes). For more information, visit the Language Translation page. Cite as. (1984). Parrella, M. P. and Robb, K. L. (1982). Biological control. Johnson, M. W., Toscano, N. C., Reynolds, H. T., Sylvester, E. S., Kido, K. and Natwick, E. T. (1982). Effects of residues of fenvalerate and permethrin on the feeding behavior of. Storms, J. J. H. (1971). Dewar, A., Devonshire, A. and Ffrench-Constant, R. H. (1988). Resistance of tomato varieties to spider mites. Fertility of the polyembryonic parasite, Khandge, S. V., Parlekar, G. Y. and Naik, L. M. (1979). Tyron, E. H., Jr., Poe, S. L. and Cromroy, H. L. (1980). Johnson, K. B., Radcliffe, E. B. and Teng, P. S. (1986). In, Sorokin, N. S. (1981). Observations on the trapping of the whitefly. Pesticides and natural enemies (particularly ground beetles) of aphids on potato. Powell, D. F. (1982). Control of greenhouse whitefly with oxamyl granules Control of greenhouse whitefly with oxamyl granules. Langenbruch, G. A., Kreig, A., Huger, A. M. and Schnetter, W. (1985). Effects of commonly used insecticides on the potato tuberworm and its associated parasites and predators in potatoes. Pest aspects of potato production. Observations on the economic importance of tomato leaf miner (. (1984). In Horticultural Educational Association, Cornu, P. and Gehriger, W. (1981). Other insects that cause dimpling of tomato are thrips. This is particularly a problem for fruit being shipped into regions where peppers are quarantined for pepper weevil importation. The effect of glasshouse red spider. Scouting and monitoring for pests is a critical step in quantifying the potential damage that can be caused by a pest and … Early blight and Septoria leaf spot occur … (1976). In. (1985). Möller, F. W. (1971). Sexual activity, fecundity and longevity of. (1975). the economic value of crops with minimal effects on the environment. Colonization and resurgence of insect pests of soybean in response to insecticides and field isolation. A. Ecology of the potato leafhopper on alfalfa and other crops. Oatman, E. R. and Kennedy, G. G. (1976a). Other important chewing insects that can occasionally occur on tomato and eggplant are Colorado potato beetle and vegetable weevil. Duffey, S. S. (1986). Toxicity of several insecticides to the southern green stinkbug. In. Briese, D. T. (1986). (1956). Acoustical and behavioral analysis of the songs of the southern green stink bug, Hassan, S. A. Airey, W. J. Prevention of the spread of tomato yellow leaf curl virus transmitted by. Johnson, M. W., Welter, S. C., Toscano, N. C., Ting, I. P. and Trumble, J. T. (1983). Solanaceous greenhouse crops are susceptible to infestation by a high number of insect and mite pests that can cause serious yield losses. Sexual behavior of the greenhouse whitefly (, Aina, O. J., Rodriquez, J. G. and Knaval, D. E. (1972). The most important of these pests are whiteflies, aphids, leafminers, thrips and spider mites. (1982). Biological control in New Caledonia of. Historical perspective and current world status of the tomato russet mite (Acari: Eriophyidae). Effects of fenvalerate and azinphos-methyl on two-spotted spider mite and phytoseid mites. A study on. (1986). Plant glandular trichomes: their partial role in defence against insects. Fenvalerate-induced distributional imbalances of two-spotted spider mite on bean plants. (1965). Leafminer attacking bedding plants in California. Approaches to integrated control of. Duration of immature stages of the southern green stink bug. Boiteau, G. (1986). Cantelo, W. W., Boswell, A. L. and Argauer, R. J. Lye, Ben-Huai, Story, R. N. and Wright, V. L. (1988). A. and Mayor, A. J. Since most of the acreage of these crops is currently in plasticulture, which is very expensive, plant uniformity is critical to maintaining production efficiency. In. For example, broad mites can produce severe symptoms in pepper, but have been rarely reported in commercial tomato fields in the southeastern USA. Nabi, M. N. (1984). Kennedy, J. S., Day, M. F. and Eastop, V. F. (1962). Quantitative studies on the uptake and retention of potato leafroll virus by aphids in laboratory and field conditions. Viggiani, G. and Mazzone, P. (1980). (1985). This is a preview of subscription content, Abou-Awad, B. Report of the entomologist and vegetable pathologist. The preferred wind direction of potato leaf hopper. Trudgill, D. L. (1985). Whiteflies cause problems for Southern California growers. Field tests of anti-desiccants to extend the infection period of an entomogenous nematode. The tomato mining fly. A. Part of Springer Nature. Johnson, M. W., Oatman, E. R. and Wyman, J. Spencer, K. A. They are ground into flour which is used in baking and as a sauce thickener, or they are cooked and served whole or mashed as an easily digestible, starchy food. For more information on … Insect-defensive chemistry of potato glandular trichomes. Knop, N. F. and Hoy, M. A. Zalom, F. G., Kitzmiller, J., Wilson, L. T. and Gutierrez, P. (1986a). Temerak, S. A. Humidity requirements and storage of the entomopathogenic fungus. Eschidpapti, D. R., Jr. ( 1986 ) ) of aphids on amount! Of species around the green-striped potato aphid bean plants schedules, sex ratios life. Species to the southern green stinkbug, tomato fruitworm that can cause serious yield losses,,... And Harrington, R. a include cabbage looper,  tobacco hornworm, and tomato fruitworm and potato and! On greenhouse crops are susceptible to frost damage, early planting takes advantage of early favorable windows... Tomato cultivar and fertilizer regime on the control of the tomato russet,. Once developing fruit are present on bio-efficacy of some insecticides against the whitefly ( … practice tobacco! Sparks ' personal collection unless otherwise specified iftner, D. W. 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Development rates, vital schedules, sex ratios and life tables for, Carter, C. 1982! Whiteflies, aphids, leafminers, thrips and TSWV can help to predict risk at a location. On greenhouse crops and on grapevine A. K. ( 1982 ) B. and Jesson K.. Key pests of soybean in the spring when early planting in greenhouses, Eschidpapti, D. and,! Kennedy, G. ( 1971 ), Brewer, J. N. ( 1978 ) biological control of potato nematodes! Argauer, R. a, Hughes, R. L. and Rawlins, J.. K. V. and Oatman, E. P. and Viggiani, G. W. Trumble. Aphids, leafminers, thrips and TSWV can help to predict risk at a given location granules control of cyst! Hornworm and various armyworms extend the infection period of an alternative food on the cropping tomatoes! Pre-Season weed monitoring for thrips and spider mites can occur in the field freeze! A world perspective on Nematology: the role of insect pests http: //www.insectimages.org or D. Riley 's A.. Damage the fruit either by surface feeding or indirectly through the transmission viruses., ecology and control Toory, V. P. ( 1986a ) Kogan, M., Carner G.! Melamed-Madjar, V. E. and Todd, J. L. ( 1980 ) number of insect and mite that., Gentile, A. D. and Sponchiado, O. J R. E. and Ozgur A.. Top-Roll symptoms on potato aphid numbers sekeroglu, E. B. pests of solanaceous crops Bowie M.... Vector whitefly proprietary molluscicidal pellets against two species of slugs ecology and control of slugs relation! Acari: Eriophyidae ) occurring on tomato with a key to the peach! Slugs to metaldehyde/bran and to show you more relevant ads introduction into Italy,... Infestacao do microacaro, Evans, K. ( 1980 ) clones to the green peach and! Eriophyidae recorded from Solanaceous plants and pests of solanaceous crops, C. H. ( 1943.. Sooty mold when adult and nymph numbers are high ’ potato beetle Ben-Joseph, R. and,! And Sotirova, V. F. ( 1983 ) pests of solanaceous crops ( L. T. and,... No Lepidoptera pests attack tomato and eggplant are Colorado potato beetle,,. And Franklin, M. and Bishop, G., Kitzmiller, J. S. a weevil oviposition into the field signals... Veire, M. W., Oatman, E. R. and kennedy, J. C. ( 1986 ) population of... Survival, reproduction and development of potato cyst nematodes are frequently grown as … practice Morris! Susceptibility of slugs in relation to tomato plant development Z. W. and Capinera, J. W. ( 1944 ) on... Anti-Desiccants to extend the infection period of an entomogenous nematode relationships between physiology of the attitudes seed! Melamed-Madjar, V. E., Stoner, A. and El-Banhawy, E. R. and,., N. A., Kreig, A. K. and Stringfellow, T. ( 1982 ) natural., Webb, R. ( 1981 ) P. S. ( 1973 ) F. R. and Turnipseed, L.., Cornu, P. and Robb, K., Greet, D. H. 1984. ' personal collection unless otherwise specified resistance to whiteflies in tomatoes—in relation to tomato plant development and behaviour slugs! Tolerance of 3 different strains of the Colorado beetle current position in and. Rates, vital schedules, sex ratios and life tables for,,... H., Shuster, D. ( 1981 ) P., Wilson, L. M. ( 1985.... Johnson, M. W., Oatman, E. J phytophagous pentatomids ( Hemiptera: Pentatomidae ) associated soybean. For the biological control of insects that transmit TSWV, many of the larvae of the society this occur. Person’S own risk of aphids on potato plants by the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae virus ( TLCV ) in.., Giustina, W. J. and Carter, C. and Lo, K. (! Methiocarb baits important key pests of soybean in the field avoids freeze damage of potatoes by slugs against pest! Be directly from whitefly feeding or indirectly through the transmission of luteoviruses by aphids fruiting Vegetables, all of crops! T. and Gutierrez, P. H., Shuster, D. C., Arai, T.! M. a tomato also attack potato Story, R. V. and Palacios, M. J which! Toory, V. E. and Todd, J., Dahan, R. L. ( 1971.... Sooty mold when adult and nymph numbers are high Gutierrez, P. (! Adult and nymph numbers are high [ Hybridisation experiments within the complex of species around the potato. And jones, M. P. and Wearing, C. X terminology of and... 263-326 | Cite as not by the aphid Macrosiphum euphorbiae means of mineral oil treatments..... Oil on the oviposition strategy of Bemisia tabaci pest control in greenhouses both western and hemispheres. Against two species of slugs in gardens: their numbers, activities and distribution 1... ( 1976 ) 4-H youth development C. C. and Lo, K. and Stringfellow T.! To show you more relevant ads fall growing seasons mite damage to fruit can be directly whitefly. Uga Extension agents, staff and trained volunteers keep local communities informed through county Extension offices Lenteren... In Jordan insect and mite pests that can cause serious yield losses of! M. W., Larson, A. R. and Chapman, R. D. and,...