(3) : empty talk : nonsense. Newman once had a client who wrote a blog post trashing her soon-to-be ex. broken or torn bits, as twigs, splinters, … Wow, we really trashed that team! What he did is completely unredeemable. Why are you dating that guy? See more words with the same meaning: under the influence of alcohol, drunk . Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense trashes, present participle trashing, past tense, past participle trashed 1. uncountable noun [oft the NOUN] Trash consists of unwanted things or waste material such as used paper, empty containers and bottles, and waste food. Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, transmit (something) to (someone or something), transpose (something) from (something) (in)to (something), trap (someone or something) in (something), trap (someone or something) into (something). We don’t have space for this old chair. Learn a new word every day. In case you forgot that I'm fandom trash, here, have some of my "Supernatural" slashfiction! The truth of the statements is not the issue because your detractor believes them … The oil rigs are the only big employers around these parts, so 9 out of 10 people you meet are oil field trash like me. People have been trashing out the park in our neighborhood recently. The idea was that you could learn quite a lot about somebody by the contents of their wallet (my partner had a receipt for $90 worth of cat food–turns out he ran a pet rescue). Worthless or discarded material or objects; refuse or rubbish. Listen … Back in journalism school, my reporting professor gave our class an assignment to pair up, trade wallets and write a story based on whatever leads we find. https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/trashing. The boxer is renowned for having quite a trash-mouth whenever he's face-to-face with his opponents before a match. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! While it may have felt good for Newman's client to get all of that off her chest, the blog was read by her client's husband's boss. You didn't have to trash out my idea like that during the meeting, Tom. Running around with that trash—no wonder he’s in trouble. A: "I really don't understand the appeal of Jackson Pollock paintings—they just look like paint splatters to me!" A TIKTOK user has shared footage of a bizarre message she found written on the snow on top of her trash cans. 'All Intensive Purposes' or 'All Intents and Purposes'? derogatory slur A poor, uneducated, and unsophisticated person who lives in or was raised in a trailer park. Information and translations of trashing in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … Ghosting is a colloquial term used to describe the practice of ceasing all communication and contact with a partner, friend, or similar individual without any apparent warning or justification and subsequently ignoring any attempts to reach out or communication made by said partner, friend, or individual. (verb) Thrashing definition: If one player or team gives another one a thrashing , they defeat them easily or by a... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Trash this stuff. Q: Why would anyone want to hang a picture like that on the wall? Delivered to your inbox! What made you want to look up trash? The use, or tendency to use, disparaging, insulting, or abusive language. literary or artistic material of poor or inferior quality. The oil rigs are the only big employers around these parts, so 9 out of 10 people you meet are oil trash like me. Top definition Trashing The environmentally-friendly enterpreneurial endeavor of picking up household crap others have hauled to the curb such as old TV's , sofas , tables, chairs, appliances, dressers, bookcases, floor lamps and mattresses and selling them in … She has taken to trashing her opponents in speeches and interviews. A noun or pronoun is used between "trash" and "out." Cash is trash right now—you should definitely invest while the market is booming. “Trash.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/trash. Sometimes hyphenated. Can you please take out the trash? 2. “It says plenty about the wretched state of the studio-movie business that critics would trash such a slight and insipid movie but recommend it nonetheless.” Verb Past tense for to belittle or express disapproval of 1. Assessing the Person’s Actions Pay attention to sudden quiet when you approach a group. such persons collectively. Cash is trash. Despite the negative connotations of "trash," this usage is typically a proud or self … Here, have some more trash memes I made—just what everyone wants! The incumbent senator has been trashing her opponent out in the papers recently. Sometimes hyphenated. A: "Do you still want these old newspapers?" Meaning of trashing. Unable to think correctly, move correctly, or act normaly because of the influence of the alcohol. foolish or pointless ideas, talk, or writing; nonsense. A noun or pronoun is used between "trash" and "out. My dad used to swear a blue streak all the time when I was a kid, so I developed a bit of a trash mouth as a result. 2 : a … Free thesaurus definition of to harm someone s reputation from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. These politicians always turn into such trash mouths during their election campaigns. I've always regretted trashing my old collection of toys. b (1) : inferior or worthless writing or artistic matter (such as a television show) especially : such matter intended purely for sensational entertainment. A: Bob's uncle is always going through people's garbage, looking for old stuff. When someone wants to lead you down the trash-talking road, change the subject to something completely neutral. If someone (a stranger, a friend, or a family member) is treating you poorly, you probably want to know why. trashed: [adjective] to be very intoxicated, usually by alcohol. To carry garbage from one's house to a trash can or other receptacle outside. The final score was 17-1? Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! Trashed after the party, she just barely made it up the stairs only to puke at the top. Figure out what’s going on by watching their behavior and getting advice from others. What does trashing mean? Right now cash is trash. Some “trash mouth” is making everybody mad over in the park. ", 2. The woman, named Jade and believed to live in … Find more ways to say trashing, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. My motor home cost more than your house, and you call me TPT? All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. He's trash . These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'trash.' You can have some friends over while we're gone, but don't trash the house out! Situation: You hear trash talk Unless you sequester yourself from other people, you’ll hear negative conversation. Trash talk definition is - disparaging, taunting, or boastful comments especially between opponents trying to intimidate each other. ► see thesaurus at destroy 2 especially American English to criticize someone or something very severely The researchers are angry that attempts have been made to trash their work. In case you forgot that I'm trash, why not read some of my recent slash fiction? I think the trash talk between boxers before these big fights is just the dumbest thing in the world, but I know some people who love it. Another word for trashing. A person who uses such disparaging, insulting, or abusive language. The senator trash-talked her opponent for most of the debate, all but avoiding the actual issues at hand. I think the same is true for our trash, to be honest. I grew up poor, so the rich people of this town definitely saw me as trash. trash: [noun] a low-class person. English Language Learners Definition of trash (Entry 2 of 2), See the full definition for trash in the English Language Learners Dictionary, Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for trash, Nglish: Translation of trash for Spanish Speakers, Britannica English: Translation of trash for Arabic Speakers. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. He's actually a very intelligent guy, but he's such a trash mouth that he's hard to take seriously. Definition of TRASH (verb): damage or destroy something, usually deliberately; criticize someone or something in strong way; get rid of something Learn more. Nobody will ever use it. B: "Nah, you can trash them.". The term originated in the early 2000s. The earliest and most pervasive form of online trashing is aimed at other people, including ex-husbands, wives or others hurt in relationships. To speak in a severely critical, disparaging, or insulting way about someone or something. Sometimes hyphenated. "She said he was a liar, a cheat, a thief and couldn't be trusted," Newman says. The use, or tendency to use, obscene, vulgar, or profane language. Somebody trashed the statue with spray paint. Send us feedback. The vacuum cleaner couldn't be fixed, so I, He says that the government's policies are, About half of the units are owner-occupied, and the condo fee includes the heat, hot water, sewer, and, The organization oversaw the placement of three statues, red, Despite being uninhabited and strictly protected by the Seychelles Islands Foundation, the islands of the remote Aldabra atoll are said to have more plastic, This cute matching set, available in black and red, will get you up and running, with a place for, Kamille’s disappearance gripped the city for 10 days until her remains were found the night of Oct. 22 in a, But the rivers, and many others around the world, have been polluted by chemicals and littered with, Holiday greenery can be left in bins or on the curb for, Then, workers at both transfer stations tested positive for the novel coronavirus, according to an email that a solid waste disposal administrator sent to. What does trashing mean? Trash it! My ex is trash. Those people you brought to the party totally trashed our house. The incumbent senator has been trashing her opponent out in the papers recently. Accessed 27 Jan. 2021. Just because I come from a caravan park doesn't make me trailer trash. You are being trashed if someone is making harmful statements about you with intent of damaging your friendships and reputation — or at least not caring if the negative talk hurts you. If you've got money sitting around in savings while the market is steaming ahead, you are losing dollars. 1. How to use a word that (literally) drives some pe... Do you know these earlier meanings of words? She’s just trailer trash. Synonyms for trash include rubbish, debris, refuse, waste, litter, junk, garbage, scrap, dross and dreck. Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Who is the chick who was trashing Bart in the newspapers? Then, have an open conversation with the person to see why they’re treating you poorly. Critics have so far trashed the movie, calling it vulgar and offensive. At that time, America was seen as a wasteland -- a place to discard the idle poor. Get into the market or you stand to lose a bundle. Drunk, under the influence of alcohol. Rioters trashed the homes and businesses in the area. B: "Eh, one man's trash is another man's treasure.". The businessmen who control the oil companies in this country don't give a rat's behind about us oil trash who make the whole thing work. The businessmen who control the oil companies in this country don't give a rat's behind about us oil field trash who make the whole thing work. noun, slang Someone who is fully aware of their extreme interest and investment in fandoms and/or their tendency to become extremely interested and invested in fandoms. (2) : trash talk. To dirty or pollute some area or space with trash or as if with trash; to make a real mess of some place. Sometimes hyphenated. Usually to a large extent. B: One man's trash is another man's treasure. Probably doesn’t even own shoes. A: One man's trash is another man's treasure. 3. A person who uses such obscene, vulgar, or profane language. I'm working on my PhD at Harvard, for goodness' sake! How to deal with office trash-talk: This letter-writer got a phone call complaining about her--from someone who thought she had called a different coworker. We can't have a trash-mouth like that running our presentations. When you thrash someone, you beat them — literally, with your fists, or figuratively, by winning a game or competition. to destroy something completely, either deliberately or by using it too much The place got trashed last time we had a party. → See Verb table Examples from the Corpus trash • And when they weren't trashing each other, they were … Present participle of trash. Then you won’t say anything you might regret later. 4. A catchphrase for financial advice that recommends investing one's money instead of saving it (typically because the stock market is doing well). I don't want my daughter going out with trailer park trash like him! Slippery Words Quiz—Changing with the Times. A noun or pronoun is used between "trash" and "out.". It's beginning to stink up the house. ‘Someone could go through your trash to find discarded receipts or carbons and use them to learn your account numbers.’ ‘They are like waves pounding a shore, the wide, vast shore that is my mind - now beginning to fill with the litter and trash of a discarded relationship.’ In “White Trash,” Nancy Isenberg delves into the history of class in America, starting with British colonization. You didn't have to trash out my idea like that during the meeting, Tom. trashing definition: 1. present participle of trash 2. to throw something away: 3. to cause a lot of damage to…. You trashed us this game, but watch out next season! a worthless or disreputable person. 1. trashed definition: 1. past simple and past participle of trash 2. to throw something away: 3. to cause a lot of…. When ribbons and bows are too dead to reuse, Well, scratch that: He's joined the ranks of Trump loyalists determined to, Bottom line: There just may be reason not to, The Fox Sports Radio report of a fistfight between Judge and Colombo, meanwhile, was unusual because neither coach has much incentive to, And although some media observers were quick to, Recent sanitation worker shortages have prompted the city to halt curbside recycling pickup and devote all of its staff to, Residents, businesses and advocacy groups will clamor for attention to persistent problems ranging from crime to, We Added New Words to the Dictionary for January 2021. The postings can be false, malicious or libelous, and at the very least, mean-spirited. To speak in a severely critical, disparaging, or insulting way about someone or something. Test your vocabulary with our 10-question quiz! circa 1529, in the meaning defined at sense 1, 1902, in the meaning defined at transitive sense 1, Middle English trasch fallen leaves and twigs, perhaps of Scandinavian origin; akin to Norwegian dialect trask rubbish; Old Norse tros fallen leaves and twigs, Old English trus. How to use trash talk in a sentence. You might think that sort of trash-mouth is acceptable when you're with your friends, but you can stow it while you're under our roof, got it? Oh, I'd be more than happy to share my many MCU theories with you, like the trash I am. Learn more. 'Nip it in the butt' or 'Nip it in the bud'. Definition of trashing in the Definitions.net dictionary. See more words with the same meaning: miscellaneous insults (list of) . to discard, dismiss or reject something or someone (especially in a humiliating manner, as if putting garbage out by the curb) Artistic material of poor or inferior quality for trash include rubbish, debris, refuse,,. Literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational Purposes only - disparaging,,... That trash—no wonder he ’ s going on by watching their behavior and getting advice from others or figuratively by. And businesses in the area approach a group `` she said he was a liar a!, or insulting way about someone or something us this game, but he 's face-to-face with his opponents a. Could n't be trusted, '' Newman says the earliest and most pervasive form of online trashing is at... A place to discard the idle poor current usage of the word 'trash. 's. Old newspapers? trash is another man 's trash is another man 's.! Vulgar, or profane language 's house to a trash mouth that 's... 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