The Bible tests and judges the Quran. Quran is the last revelation and it has shown how to live in this modern world till the end and anyone who doesnt accept it would be in loss . We are all one. The speaker in the Quran - in the first person - is God Almighty (Allah ; A groundbreaking comparative study that illuminates the connections between the Qur'an and the Bible While the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament are understood to be related texts, the sacred scripture of Islam, the third Abrahamic faith, has generally been considered separately. Will God Protect from Harm? An argument can be made, however, that the similarities between the Bible and the Quran are actually much more intimate than one might think, and that Islam, Judaism and Christianity are closer to being different interpretations of a shared religious culture than totally distinct traditions. But then you say, “The Bible has been changed and only certain people have access to the REAL WRITINGS.” Read and STUDY your Quran clearly and you will know that you have been deceived your whole life. Some of these writings came as a result of the In chapter 97 By contrast, the Bible refutes the Quran in its entirety with a stern warning in its final paragraph that nothing is to be added to or deleted from the Bible: If you want to go by age and say the Bible was first… how about those who believe that take a look at ancient Summarian texts which predates the Bible by thousands of years and even talks about Yaweh as coming after the Summarian’s and their belief system. One God who is the creator of the heavens and the earth. Well i very well know that u cant, so u better not say what u said ok, or else it wont take a second for me to call your holy book a book of devil, Its very clear you never read the quran and muhammed wasant mentioned in the quran many times coz it was revealed to him and why quran if you ask , its because even after jesus ,people still was worshipping idols like stones crosses and a dead man hanging , he warmed the people (10 commandments) not to worships idols and still this stupid people dont understand so muhammed was to come n he came and showed the right way to worship the god the lord himself alone. The bible was assembled by St. Jerome around 400 AD. Jesus never commanded us to kill anyone. “Indeed, We sent the Qur’an down during the Night of Decree. Time for another quick read? The Angel Gabriel told Mary, that she would bear a SON, WHO would be called the SON of GOD. To prove that the twentieth century Bible is still authentic it only has to be compared with a copy from the sixth century. Head over to the blog roll and get closer to the Lord our God. Muhammad himself never claimed that the earlier scriptures were corrupted or lost. ): Macedonian conqueror who subdued much of the world, including parts of the Indian subcontinent, during his brief career, 208 Ami _ r Kh usrau (1253-1325): poet … Some even look at the year of Tyndale’s translation which was printed in 1526. Religion • The Heart in Bible Versus Quran • The Sleep in Bible and Quran • The Atom in Bible and Quran • Angel Gabriel appeared to a christian back in 2005 before Christmas, and this same Angel that allegedly appeared to Mohammed was honouring JESUS, as the SON of GOD. The Bible had been completed and combined to be the Old Testament and the New Testament before the Quran was given. Of course one can make the same claim about Joseph Smith or L Ron Hubbard or any number of other founders of man-made religions which have been created from time to time throughout history. Its so lame ( dont foeget my friend the devil has promised the god he will misguide humanity( and the god which i mentioned now isnt jesus its the one who created jesus). According to the However, the Quran does not support this claim unanimously! The Quran contradicts the Bible, which came earlier. If going by this, the year the Quran was translated into English is 1734. If you have noticed, all these comments are from doubtful Christians, not Muslims. READ ALSO: Recession: 8 Bible verses that will help you understand money better 3. It was expected that this argument would be over but it continues. You are not a controller over them” (6:106-107 , 88:21-22) So I came here to say what I want to and then I will let it be. But Jesus guarantee Heaven and life to those who accept and believe in Him (John 25-26). The Quran . If the Bible and the Quran contradict each other, the Bible must logically be given first place as the older authority. An analysis into whether the Quran is more violent than the Bible found killing and destruction occur more frequently in the Christian texts than the Islamic. 28 :19; 2 Cor. There were no witnesses to what actually happened. Jesus is God in flesh (Col. 2:9). Of course, that does not make sense. We must also point out that the idea of the Bible being corrupt was first promoted by Ibn Khazem (d. 1064 A.D.) as a means of avoiding the obvious contradictions between the Bible and the Quran. Sura 41:42. Quran Word of God Versions eternal life Salvation in Islam and Christianity Original Sin need of a Savior Mohammed not Sure Jesus Parakletos Allah Welcome to Bible and Quran… Some even look at the year of Tyndale’s translation which was printed in 1526. It is written in the New Testament that if anyone comes preaching a different Gospel other than the one that is preached (at the time of the early Church) let that person or gospel be accursed (separate from God). And not make allegations that the Quran is changed, and therefore my book is true. Would you accept my claim that my book is the right one and that your book should be rejected? We have seen many Christian apologists tackle questions that come from the people of other religion, it is also true that Christian apologetics is done with the other religion, Islam. If one is right, then the other is wrong. My friend you don’t know about his scarifices look at this Don’t take the risk my fellow Muslim friends. So let us both wait. Believing, by faith that the Quran was true, the Bible must then be false. 4- To Him ascend the angels and the spirit in , And praised a Man. The Quran is the one in error until it proves itself. And Muhammad did no miracles to prove what he was saying, like the prophets of old like Moses or Elijah. So shouldn’t the same logic apply when comparing the Torah to the bible(New Testament). Which they are. Please read carefully what your prophet said about life after dead. if the bible came first then quran is fake. The quran, then, is true in saying that the bible was contaminated unless ofcourse you can be intelligent enough to accept that the sun, stars and planets go around the earth. The last is the Ketuvim. The Quran as a Confirmation of the Holy Bible. Knowing that versions written in the Hebrew Bible and the Christian New Testament predate the Quran's versions, Christians reason the Quran's versions … The author feigns neutrality, but actually aims at highlighting imaginary "scientific discoveries" in the Quran, in order to contrast them with the "errors" contained in the BIble. !what time is it?what day and year it is?and wen is your birthday?wen yu get done answering,just kno all and each and one of y’all life frame is based and acquired around the name of Jesus..not Mohammed,buhda,Jehovah witnesses,Catholic or any other religion formed for a form of control starting in low income communities up to big dollar making communities, In GOD’S WORD He tells us that this type of thing will only bring strife and that is not of Him like someone mentioned earlier it’s all about Love and GOD IS LOVE also His word will be the same yesterday today and forever and NONE of us will be able to change it because He obviously gave and made it available to all and we have the choice to choose Him! If I cannot offer any evidence, what would you call me? Some people believed that was when the first bible was made. When Uthman edited the copies of the Quran, only the current (verses) were recorded” . Recite, and your Lord is the Most Generous. In the quran, Allah (S.W.T) says, “We (Allah) did not appoint you as a guardian over them (disbelievers), nor are you a trustee over them…You shall remind, for you are but a reminder. The Quran says Abraham had two sons, the Bible says they were eight. Amen! The angel went to him and asked him to read but he couldn’t. 13:14). The Quran is the Muslims' Holy Book, the same as is the Bible to Christians, Muslims regard the Quran as the infallible utterance of the Almighty. And yet, Muslims claim that it is the Bible that has been corrupted instead of showing proof that what the Quran claims is true. have been in existence even before the birth of Islam. The Bible tests and judges the Quran. See the way religion has been used since the beginning has always been to control and to guide people into doing what is said and not questioning it. No other prophet before Him or after Him dares to say and guarantee this. For love surpasses all. Maybe you were deceived by your scholars. Coz we as muslims prostrate only to one god , the one who made everything which is into existence and we call him allah and we are in the safe side . The Quran confirms Abraham had … The Quran mentions the Torah, the Zabur ("Psalms") and the Injil ("Gospel") as being revealed by God to the prophets Moses, David and Jesus respectively in the same way the Quran was revealed to Muhammad, the final prophet and messenger of God according to Muslims. The Bible is a narrative. It follows that, the Bible has the potential of more than 10 times the Quran to talk about the Raven word-wise and/or has the prospective of 12 times the Quran to talk about the Raven topic-wise. And the New Testament does not contradict the Old Testament. Ishmael, the first-born child is very important. Uthman edited the copies to only had haraka to the copies… meaning accent marks, so non-Muslims can read it easier. On how angels feel about humans and their sins, the Quran had this to say: Quran 42:5: …The angels exalt [God] with praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness for those on earth…. The Old Testament was further divided. Love you all. All perfect praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds. The word ‘LOVE’ appears about 45-79 times in the whole of the Quran mostly in expressions such as ( in love; love of wealth; love of life; love of Allah; love of woman; love of self; love of other believers or love in the abstract; 2:177; 3:31, 103, 119;5:54; 9:23; 19:96; 38:32 etc). It’s all there. The Quran is the one in error until it proves itself. I am not a trustee (or a guardian) over you… If they (disbelievers) turn away, your sole mission is the delivery of the message. The fact is, you are God and God is you. In fact, the Quran contradicts the Bible in many areas. the Quran is similar to this; it came through a revelation. is not yet time that people know that particular information that was given. Meaning that… to give the words. The complete version of the New Testament was found in the 4th century. So everyone should just accept what YOU say? The Wool has been pulled over the peoples eyes long ago and as profitable as it has been no one seen fit to straighten it out. The Quran is Believing that the Quran could not possibly have been corrupted, he then assumed that it was the Bible that underwent textual modifications. In fact, the balance is very uneven because some data pose many problems while others hardly provide subject for discussion. Here is the Hebrew Bible word for word. The latter prophets came at the end of the Tanakh, they were also divided into two. Don’t take the risk! I will respect the Bible, Torah , and Qur’an. Is Bible corrupted? Adam and Eve were the first two human beings to be created by God, and both the Quran and the Bible mention their story; hence, we will be discussing both narratives and point out the similarities and differences. The name was applied by Mohammed to each individual portion of the Book, but was later used for the whole Book. The Prophecies of God’s Word have come to fulfilment in succession, proving the Holy Bible is the Only True Scriptures that came from the True God; Jesus Christ, and a few more are yet to be fulfilled until it is complete when the LORD Jesus Christ Returns! 600 AD. Jesus is not God (5:17, 75). Jesus was not Crucified, (4:157). Some people believed that was when the first bible was made. The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months. Since Islam came many centuries after Christianity, Islam has the burden of proof and not Christianity. We weren’t there back then. Then they ascend to Him in a day, the measure of which is a thousand years as you count. The Hidden Truth About Abraham’s Sacrifice,, Ishmael was born to Abraham and Sarah's Egyptian handmaiden Hagar (Genesis 16:3).According to the Genesis account, he died at the age of 137 (Genesis 25:17).. But Quran itself confirms that Bible is not changed or corrupted as we read in these Suras: Sura 41:41. Questions and Answers - For Christians and Muslims. In quran there as many facts that were not discovered that time but now are bieng discovered one such information about relativity The following material is a compilation of evidences from the Quran which Christians can use to prove that the first Muslims believed that Holy Bible is the inspired and preserved Word of God. An analysis into whether the Quran is more violent than the Bible found killing and destruction occur more frequently in the Christian texts than the Islamic. Answer this what did Jesus benefit from getting beat and being hung? There are numerous similarities between the Quran and the Bible when it comes to prophetic tradition. Jesus will accept and open His arms wide for all Muslims. There is only one simple and guaranteed way. So without any proof that Islam is a false religion don’t accuse. Extraordinary Man. Bible is Collection of Writings Quran is Recitation From God to Muhammad (peace be upon him) Whereas, The Bible is a collection of writings by many different authors, the Quran is a dictation (or recitation). First, unlike the Qur’an, the Bible is replete with prophecies that could not have been fulfilled through chance, good guessing, or deliberate deceit. The existence of admin says: November 26, 2019 at 12:08 pm Bible. The dozens of superficial similarities between the Qur’an and the Bible are striking. Starting with the first translation, the Wycliffe’s Bible which might not have been completely translated was translated in 1382. The Bible is a collection of writings by many different authors. • Bible is the holy book of the Christians and Jews while Quran is the holy book of the Muslims. The first Muslims clearly did not believe that the text of Holy Scriptures was unreliable, but actually appealed to the biblical text for verification purposes. He had no wives no money or fame no sin no desire of this world but to love. If a Hebrew translator were to sit down and read the actual Hebrew Scrolls to you people WORD FOR WORD you would be totally shocked at the difference between it and what the Greek, Latin, and English translations and alterations say it says. Whoever is guided is guided for himself and whoever goes astray does so to his own detriment. I mean… bible or Quran come first. A lunatic and a liar? Lastly, why I choose Jesus because in John 25-26 He said that whoever believes in Him though he/they may die, he shall live and whoever lives and believes in Him shall NEVER DIE. As for your alleged statistics about ‘killings’mentioned in Scriptures, here is the difference you need to understand. I read comment by comment the fight and the bickering between two faiths. Starting with the first translation, the Wycliffe’s Bible which might not have been completely translated was translated in 1382. In fact, he affirmed and praised them. Kareem: You see, my dear friend, in Christianity there is only one holy scripture, that is the Bible. we can see that God instructed His people to write, but He instructed them in Islam is false because it is built on the fundamental lie that Muhammad was a real prophet, rather than a man simply pretending to be a prophet in order to gain power over people. Required fields are marked *. “The New Testament is in the Old concealed, and the Old is in the New revealed.”. Who taught by the pen. While the Bible says: Luke 15:10: …The angels of God rejoice over one sinner who repents. If you think Quran is a lie there is information about relativity 100 of years before einstien and any information that a just got discovered. The things described in the OT find their full meaning in the NT. You can see the first two points i.e creation of physical body of Man from clay and blowing of spirit/soul in him are almost identical in the Bible and Quran, as is evident from Genesis 2:7 and Quran Surah Hijr 15:26 and Surah Sajdah 32:9. If you compare the Bible to history it says a lot. is the Nation of Islam not Gods promise to Ishmael? The Qur'an is a dictation. There are numerous similarities between the Quran and the Bible when it comes to prophetic tradition. That right is unchanged regardless of the mother's status. Actually its sad coz his people didnt take the right message and his death didnt bring up any goodness accept for some christians who believes thrs only one god , he cried and fought asking everyone not to worship idols even in the Ten Commandments it has mentioned not to eorship idols and most of the churches thrs a man hanging on the cross , do u know even he’s the real jesus and where did the cross come from ?, the cross was from the people who tried to kill him’ they selected the cross ‘ n sadly everyone is worshiping that which means his messaged didnt pass, its not a thing to have ego u shoukd have a open mind to accept things coz we live only once take a wise decision, There is one thing that all religions have in common that there is a supreme power a god that holds everything made everything but when I showed that there is the blood of Jesus and you do not believe and you want to believe in a prophet that has died and is not going to come back you’re destined to hell you must believe in the son of God came to Earth died on the cross for our sins if you do not there is a place that you will go if you do there is a place that you will go there is no proof of anything Muhammad wrote God doesn’t tell people to kill people he wants you to save people he wants you to change people, Brother to educate you about killing on the books the statistics says torah has 53% , bible 4.3, quran 2.4 and why you people think muslims are terrorists its funny islam means peace ✌ The word love in the wuran is more than in any other books my friend, educate yourself before talking. Rather, you will judge my book based on what your Quran says! The angels and the spirit came down with the permission of the Lord, they came Which book is the oldest book.., The bible never contradicts the Tora, the gospels actually confirm the Tora that is why the second testament and the gospels are true. He opposed that idea with all his might and warned the Israelites that God will be angry with them. Characters from the Old Testament like Adam, Noah, Abraham, … The table below shows just some of the more important differences between the Bible and the Quran. The narrations contained in the Bible and the Quran on the time spent by the sons of Israel in Egypt, and the way they left, give rise to data which may constitute matter for a confrontation with modern knowledge. You complain about the fighting and bickering. all through the part where John was asked to write to the Churches, the seven Eve isn’t actually mentioned by name in the Quran, in fact ‘Eve’ is the name given to the first woman in the Bible. Muslims and Christians alike need to understand what the Bible says about itself. This should not cause any form of argument because the years which they were written are different and the Bible comes first. And for those who do not know the name YAWEH you shouldn’t even be part of this discussion. Its easy to put up blame on quran but can u prove it? In Mecca, Muhammad was a relatively powerless, persecuted figure. Here’s s link to shine other resources is that’s allowed here. because even the fake products in the market tend to come after the real ones. Reply. In John 14:6-7 He clearly said that He is the way, the truth, and the life and no one comes to the Father except through Him. Allah is Seer of the people” (10:108 , 3:20), Fatih, you say you did not come here to argue but you start of your comment by accusing everyone of being genuinely confused. Muhammad himself could neither read nor write. Besides, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are discussed in the holy book of the Muslims. If tomorrow morning, I make a claim that an angel of God had appeared to me i the night and told me to write a new holy book and to call it the final and ultimate scriptures for the whole world, would you accept what I say? When we will die, we will soon find out which lord was the correct lord and which religion was truly misguided and lost. My dear friend As in the article it is said that the Quran was written by our prophet Mohammad peace be upon him but for your kind information he was illiterate and didn’t know how to write therefore it was given to him by god. The Bible was written between 1400 BC & 95 AD. Secondly, your claim that Quran mentions love more times than any other book is false. We muslims know what to choose, we muslims know that Jesus was a prophet, defintly not the first prophet, not the son of god. This Islam was first, god gave choices to the people alive on earth when god created the universe, he wanted them to worship him and take the religion islam, but all of them said no, they didn’t want to worship him and all of them had different opinions and went. With the Quran it is harder to discover this process but it none the less still there. Answering Islam. In Hebrew traditions, the first-born son is given double portions of honor and inheritance. Whether you go to the first recordings of the first religions or the last recordings of religion. I really don't understand how Muslims can say that their quran is the "only unedited and unaltered Book"!?!? And what he’s going to do he will do. People really read the Bible there are truths and facts about everything that you speak of. It came from Muhammad 600 years after Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection, which were recorded by the eyewitnesses. Sura 41:42. First is the Torah, then is the Bible and last is the quran. A religion which venerates an evil man and raises him to the level of the perfect model for human conduct, cannot help but lead men to evil action – even jihad. Jesus was crucified (1 Pet. Wouldn’t that be the truth for the Bible? And when Jesus died people were still worshipping fake gods made out of stone. By Abdullah Al Araby . You cannot judge the Bible based on what the Quran says. None that is written in the Quran that guarantees eternal life and Heaven to its believer. Anytime God opens the eyes of these Others are free to argue with you and say your opinions are baseless. The Qur’an and the Bible have over 50 people in common. He literaly came to earth to teach us and die for our sins that’s why the jews didn’t accept him also they wanted to keep religion strict for their own gain because they were making money in the church and Jesus didn’t like that. The next two points in Bible section: Creation of woman from Man’s rib and Creation of Man in God’s image are not in agreement with the Quran. First is the Torah, then is the Bible and last is the quran. Means Muhammad also don’t know whether he is going to heaven or not and need his followers to pray for him everyday. I stumbled on this website without meaning to. The English translation of the Bible is not the first bible. The Bible was written by different authors and thus, it was divided into two different parts. But Quran itself confirms that Bible is not changed or corrupted as we read in these Suras: Sura 41:41. However, God told Hagar that her son would be a “wild ass (donkey) of a man” (Genesis 16:12), living in conflict with his relatives. You continue to believe in your prophet Muhammad you don’t have any guarantee where you are going after you die just like your prophet and even his faithful disciple Mohamad, Abu Bakar also doubt his chances of going to heaven. The Quran was written in 7th century AD by the recitations of a man in the desert who claimed an angelic being visited him. And not only that, Adam, the father of humanity, was a muslim. There were former prophets, the prophets that came after Moses. There is no doubt that the Bible has been in existence before the Quran. Read it yourself. Arabic Bible Outreach Ministry is dedicated to proclaim the Love of God as revealed in the Holy Bible the Injil to all Arabic speaking people on the Internet. And tell me how Muhammad benefited from creating Quran. The New Testament then follows after the death of Jesus. He then proceeded to contradict it. Allah is pure and most exalted above whatever you associate with Him! It took Him about 23 years to gather all the books from the angel. He is alive and have return to see His disciples and mother after the crucifixion and will return again on judgement day. In addition, Raven is mentioned 12 times in the Bible and once in the Quran. some other parts too. The Qur'an is a dictation. Moses and the Qur’an. In Islam there is two, the Qur’an and The Hadith. why did he even want to do this for humans? In actual fact, the Biblical narration is a fusion of two descriptions in which events are related differently. Yes, it should. You can see the first two points i.e creation of physical body of Man from clay and blowing of spirit/soul in him are almost identical in the Bible and Quran, as is evident from Genesis 2:7 and Quran Surah Hijr 15:26 and Surah Sajdah 32:9. Moses plays a prominent role in the Qur’an, where his life story is similar to what is in the Bible … Yet, he revealed a new book, the Quran, that contradicts the earlier revealed scriptures, the Bible. The character of Islam, of Muhammad’s message, and the words of the Qur’an demonstrate a noticeable change when Muhammad left Mecca for Medina. Quick view. Both religion are from the Abrahamic faith. ... Christianity was first a battle of books and then a battle of blood. (70- The Heights, 4), 5- He regulates all affairs from the heaven to the earth. These certain people have access to the Bible as the word Quran means something like what. According to the Bible are doctrines from a man in the OT their. That is why Christianity was used first before the Quran says that Abraham had two sons, the he... Scriptures, here is the devil ’ s allowed here why people take the risk my Muslims. Everything he said to Mary centuries before?!?!?!?!!... 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