4. In this zero conditional exercises PDF, students practice how to form the zero conditional tense and use it to describe facts and things that are generally true. Go to the main conditional exercises page. Worksheets - handouts. The first conditional is about a specific situation, but the zero is talking in general. Zero conditional worksheets If vs Unless Exercise 2 5. When you heat ice, c. you get dough. The four conditionals are: The zero conditional-Only regarding facts, or to express a general truth; The first conditional -Used to talk about future events that could or might happen; The second conditional -Used to talk about a hypothetical, but possible future, and secondly, things or situations in the present that are impossible, or totally hypothetical. It contains a brief grammar explanation and five exercises. The students begin by matching words to pictures of kitchen appliances. Zero conditional Use the zero conditional for facts , things that are generally true or that you believe to be true . Zero Conditional ESL Activities, Games and Worksheets, ESL Zero Conditional Worksheet - Reading and Writing Activity - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes, ESL Zero Conditional Activity - Reading, Writing and Speaking - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes, ESL Zero Conditional Game - Reading, Writing and Speaking Activity - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 35 minutes, ESL Zero Conditional Activity - Writing, Listening and Speaking - Intermediate (B1) - 30 minutes, ESL Zero Conditional Board Game - Reading and Speaking Activity - Intermediate (B1) - 30 minutes, Joomla module for Social media integration, Joomla Social Comments and Sharing - share and comment on Joomla site to social media: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedI,Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki. Exercises 1" by Thomson and Martinet. Elementary and intermediate level esl exercises. Give each student a copy of the worksheet. The students choose a colour for their Martians and write the colour at the top of the second column. This guide shows the verbs used in conditional sentences. Afterwards, students write about the most interesting differences between the types of Martians. Zero Conditional 4th part of a set of CONDITIONALS. If you freeze water, d. it melts. https://www.teach-this.com/esl-essentials, TeachThis Limited, 2301 Bayfield Building, 99 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Zero Conditional - Grammar Notes. This activity has been taken from Thomson and Martinet´s ... We use the zero conditional for general truths or natural laws. The first conditional is about a specific situation, but the zero conditional tense is talking in general. Zero conditional First conditional Second conditional Third conditional Mixed conditionals Home. 2. In this imaginative zero conditional activity, students use the zero conditional to write and talk about different groups of Martians. “Rain” is not one of their most famous songs, but like much of their music, it’s great. These activities have been taken from "A Practical English Grammar. This process continues back and forth until all the sentences have been used. The song has examples of the zero conditional in the lyrics. Zero and First Conditional + Present Simple. Conditionals Tenses Exercise 6-7. Editable. Video II: conditionals. Welcome! First, I ask my students to complete the lyrics while listening then we sing it together and after i write the zero conditional sentences from the lyrics on the board and highlight the use of zero conditional. In this zero conditional game, students complete conditional sentences and then play a guessing game based on what they wrote. Give each group of four a copy of the game board, a dice and counters. Zero conditional. Here is a first conditional guessing game to play with students in class. In this free zero conditional activity, students play a board game where they ask and answer 'What do you do if...?' Students write their partner's answers in the last column by completing the zero conditional sentences as before. If not, the player must go back to their previous square. questions. The student with the highest score at the end of the game wins. Free interactive exercises to practice online or download as pdf to print. Learn conditional tenses in English online . I teach zero conditional through song. If the player forms the sentence correctly, they stay on the square. First conditional. Give out the first page of the handout and go over it quickly. If / Unless / When Exercise 4. The students must match the start of the sentence with the appropriate ending. 5. Zero conditional exercises. Guess the word from the Zero Conditional. Welcome to ESL Printables, the website where English Language teachers exchange resources: worksheets, lesson plans, activities, etc. In the last exercise, students use their own ideas to complete zero conditional sentences, saying how they feel or what they do in the given situations. 'If they are hungry, they eat each other.' Give each student a copy of the worksheet. 1. Hope it´s useful. Players take it in turns to roll the dice and move their counter along the board. Tip: With the Zero Conditional, we often replace “if” with “when.” For example: When/If I drink too much coffee, I get a headache. Second Conditional Exercise 1 / 2 12-13. 'What do orange Martians do if they are hungry?' To further your studies, see this English tip about the first conditional to learn about the difference between the first and the zero conditionals. Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Zero Conditional Survey. When the students have finished, divide them into pairs. The students then use the information in a guessing game. with similar grammar structures. Third conditional. Action A causes Action B. Divide the students into two groups (A and B) and give each student a corresponding worksheet. To do this, we use the Present Simple in both clauses. Turn on the heater if it gets hot. If Clauses Exercises 2. Zero Conditional with Feelings and Emotions. (geography) What about other words that can replace if, like unless and as long as? 1. I'm … Teach the form of zero conditional sentences (If + present tense, present tense) then students put the zero conditional sentences in orde... Would you like to become a member of iSLCollective ? The Beatles are the most famous English band of all time. I take the bus if I have time. Zero conditional exercises. This section will soon contain our teaching resources on the 'zero conditional'. Read about the second conditional tense here. Their partner answers using the appropriate zero conditional sentence from Exercise B. Article by www.Teach-This.com. Zero Conditionals Lesson Plan. Zero / First Conditional + If/ When/Unless/ In case with Zero conditionals refer to situations that are generally true Conditional sentences that refer to situations that are generally true, or were generally true in the past, are sometimes called zero conditionals. A colour code helps to distinguish the different parts. Zero Conditionals Questions 1-5 Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets to make the generally true conditional sentences. [If + Present Simple, ….. + Present Simple] The Present Simple is used in both clauses of the statement.. More verb tenses than... Three tasks to train the Zero Conditional. Zero Conditional activities, worksheets and games downloadable as printable PDFs. By Tobes This is a game of dominoes for practicing zero conditionals. For example: If you heat ice, it melts. The students complete the endings of the first conditional sentences on their worksheet with their own ideas. Point 1: The zero conditional shows a simple cause and affect. Give each student a copy of the two-page worksheet. For each question, type your answers in the box, and then click on "Check". You can do the exercises online or download the worksheet as pdf. We use the zero conditional to talk about general or scientific truths and habits. The students must match the start of the sentence with the appropriate ending. That’s a zero conditional. Preparation: Copy and cut up one conditional sentence for every two students. The player then tries to answer the question appropriately by making a zero conditional sentence. This Zero Conditional Exercise tests your ability to use the zero conditional in English. You can use if or when and the meaning doesn't change. Zero conditional ESL game on learning how to make sentences in English language with rules of the zero conditional. If their guess is wrong, they try again for two points and then for one point. Aim: To practice the “zero” and “first” conditional. If their partner guesses right the first time, they score three points. Finally, review the students' sentences as a class and provide feedback. Conditional sentences can be used with other terms instead of ‘if’ such as ‘when’. Try the test below to check your understanding. If you heat ice, it melts. Video: zero conditional. Conditionals Worksheets - … Practise the First and Zero Conditionals, with Safety Rules. Grammar: The “zero” and “first” conditional. Index of contents. Tel: +85281207580. This is a game of dominoes for practicing zero conditionals. Zero Conditional worksheets and online activities. Finally, there is a class feedback session to discuss the students' answers and review the zero conditional. Mixed conditionals. When a player lands on a square, the student to their right asks them a 'What do you do if...?' Zero conditional First conditional Second conditional Third conditional Mixed conditionals Home. Zero Conditional Exercise Review how to make the zero conditional here. Second conditional. One student chooses a word and makes Zero Conditional sentences about that thing without saying what it is, continuing with hint sentences until their partners guess what they are speaking about. Zero Conditional Dominoes. After that, students answer whether zero conditional sentences are factually true or false. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar! This practices zero conditional by giving a situation and students must choose an emotion or feeling to correspond. Their partner has three chances to guess which sentence the words came from. (General truth) If I drink coffee after 6pm, I can’t sleep. Interactive Version - In this interactive zero conditional breakout room activity, pairs of students write zero conditional sentences about themselves. Interaction: Whole class. Also called the present-real conditional, the zero conditional is for possibilities in the present, often rules. • First Conditional, Second Conditional, Third Conditional, Zero Conditionals This is a PowerPoint presentation, where all types of conditionals are described in details and with illustrations. When the students have finished, they continue by asking the same question about things in the classroom and reply to their partner's questions using the zero conditional. 2. Interactive Version - In this zero conditional interactive worksheet, students complete a range of exercises based on kitchen appliances to practice the zero conditional tense. Need more practice? 3. 40. By registering to and using our site, you agree to our use of cookies. Interactive Version - Here is a zero conditional interactive worksheet to help students learn how to form the zero conditional and use it to describe things that are true. Zero Conditional Exercise Make a zero conditional sentence using the words. Next, the students change partner and tell their new partner about similarities and differences between the two types of Martians on their worksheet. The students begin by matching words to pictures of kitchen appliances. In pairs, the students then take it in turns to read only the part they have written in each sentence. Plain and simple. Worksheets - handouts. Congrats, you're now a member here, too. All Rights Reserved. Next, students use vocabulary from a box in its correct form to complete zero conditional sentences. Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. The person from the 19th century points to a picture and asks their partner 'What do you do with it?' Zero conditionals are used to talk about facts, such as scientific facts, or when the result of the condition is always true.. First Conditional Exercise 1 / 2 10-11. Apr 16, 2017 - Zero Conditional online worksheet for Grade 9. Working alone, the students complete the column with information about their Martians by finishing the zero conditional sentences, e.g. Using the zero conditional though reading comprehension, discussion & writingDigital Resource -Editable PDF answer fields-4 page lesson (mixed activities)-2 page answer keyGrammar OverviewsDiscussion QuestionsReading ExercisesWriting Practices (short one-word answers and paragraph writing)Writin Click here for an exercise about making this conditional. Students begin by matching sentence halves together to make zero conditional sentences. The students then take it in turns to ask zero conditional questions about their partner's Martians, e.g. A very simple and clear ws to introduce the zero conditional. Zero Conditional Exercise – English Grammar Exercises. If Conditionals Exercise 3. When you tickle her, … Our collection is growing every day with the help of many teachers. Zero Conditional Exercise 1 / 2 8-9. Rules, structures and examples of usage are provided. Useful resource for homeschool and classroom by teachers and students. Copyright © 2021 TeachThis Limited. Show all questions <= => Good luck! Rewarding ESL zero conditional activities, worksheets and games to help you teach your students how to form and use the zero conditional tense. Worksheets - handouts. ID: 133 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: Grade 9 Age: 13-17 Main content: Zero Conditional Give each student a copy of the worksheet. The students ask their partner for the colour of their Martians and write the colour at the top of the last column. We use cookies to enhance your experience. There are twelve sentences on the worksheet. This Worksheet was created to practice zero, first and second conditional sentences. Then they must say w... 11,183 Downloads . If you mix black and white, a. it floats. This practices zero conditional by giving a situation and students must choose an emotion or feeling to correspond. This is the last part of the set - Conditionals. He _____ (invite) friends over at his house if he _____ (have) a day off. I do not drive if the traffic is bad. We often use them for facts, or in academic subjects. In this printable zero conditional activity, students use the zero conditional to explain what kitchen appliances do. (Habit) Download this quiz in PDF here. We can use the Zero Conditional to show or express a general truth. See this page about the first conditional to learn about the difference between the first and the zero conditionals. :) Please wait until page is refreshed! After that, students move on to match zero conditional sentence halves about the kitchen appliances and then write the name of the appliance each sentence describes. If you don't water flowers, b. it turns to ice. Third Conditional IF IF / Unless Wish Clauses In Case Fill In Exercises: 1. Students also find out if their new partner has similar answers. Zero Conditional 16 Question strips adapted from the below Pair Work activity. This worksheet contains 18 conversation cards and an interview box with matching exercise. Well, unless is a kind of negative version of if. Pre-Intermediate Level >> Conversation Materials/Surveys/Pairwork Activities >> This group/pairwork activity doesn't concentrate too much on the form of the zero conditional but gets students to ask questions to each other while using the structure.. Skill: Speaking, listening and reading. Students then move on to rewrite pairs of sentences to create a zero conditional sentence. For example: "water / boil / heat / to 100 degrees" becomes "Water boils if you heat it to 100 degrees." As a follow-up activity, you can ask your students to find the conditionals clauses in the text and then ask concept checking questions to make sure they all get conditional clauses right. ESL Zero Conditional Activity - Reading, Writing and Speaking - Pre-intermediate (A2) - 30 minutes In this printable zero conditional activity, students use the zero conditional to explain what kitchen appliances do. If you heat ice, it melts. Home. This zero conditional song has many examples of the zero conditional. If you want to download you have to send your own contributions. Next, divide the students into pairs. It uses zero, first, second, third and mixed conditional sentences to report an accident happened in the town. English Grammar Test English Class Teaching English Learn English Grammar Activities English Activities Help Teaching Teaching Resources Conditionals Grammar. The students write their normal reactions to the situations listed on the worksheet by completing zero conditional sentences. The first player to reach the finish wins the game. These questions can be used with students seated in pairs or in small groups, or with students standing. question from the prompt on the square. Zero conditional. The students then take it in turns to be someone from the 19th century and ask questions about what the kitchen appliances do. Interactive Version - In this interactive zero conditional breakout room activity, pairs of students write and talk about groups of Martians using the zero conditional tense. This is an activity designed for intermediate students in order to practise first conditional sentences. That is a truth. Do you know how to use this conditional? Tell students that this is called the zero conditional. Practice activities for Zero Conditional. When it rains a lot, the animals move to higher ground. Have fun with this ESL game zero conditional test. I do not walk if it rains. Zero conditional Exercise 1: Match the beginnings of the sentences to the correct endings. Modals in if-clauses. With key. Content. The Zero Conditional. They always refer to real situations. Rain by The Beatles is an appropriate song for this. If the weather __is____ nice, they ____go____ (go) to the park. Student to their right asks them a 'What do orange Martians do if...? with! Or false have finished, divide them into pairs not, the students then take it in turns to only. The exercises online or download as pdf to print, but the zero conditional 4th of. An interview box with matching Exercise If/ When/Unless/ in Case with with similar Grammar structures students in order practise. They are hungry, they try again for two points and then play a board game they... Martians do if...? in turns to ice shows the verbs used in conditional.! 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